

I bet that's actually been sung by the Capitol Steps or Mark Russell.

It's so much better if you know that it's based on actual conversations he had with Mickey Rooney when they were both on a quickly-cancelled, pre-SNL sitcom that apparently also starred Nathan Lane.

Yeah, but she's convinced herself it's BET's fault.

I saw a recent Twitter post where she referred to the Obamas as "the squatters in the White House." That doesn't make me angry, just sad.

Thanks! You're a real pal.

If only Iggy Azalea wasn't such a piece of shit.

Yeah, as someone whose first language is English, I will never understand why a fucking stapler has a gender.

Maybe? I just assume no fewer than 33% of the attorneys in LA look like him.

Hey, he was on several seasons of Felicity before either of those.

I haven't clicked on that link, but I'm gonna assume it includes Jennifer Aniston as Jeannie on Ferris Bueller.

"TV-Louanne took in a pregnant student, mowed lawns to help another, and held a fundraiser at a strip club."

Frank Zappa didn't understand why people didn't take him seriously?

I think that convincing an outsider artist that you actually like their work when you a) don't or b) like it, but only in conjuction with feeling superior to the artist is pretty much the lowest thing you can do to a human being that doesn't involve bodily harm.

Pretty much every other song used in Snatch now makes me think of Snatch.

I'd like to say that I could never enjoy this album knowing their father was probably horribly abusive to them, but then again, I have no problem enjoying the musical stylings of, say, The Jackson Five.

That's just the radio edit, the real version is "get down on your muthafuckin' knees"

Honestly, before the first time I heard Jack Donaghy say "CHAMP, Lemon! Horses CHAMP at the bit!" I had no idea.

Zarathustra makes me think of Magnolia.