
People who've never seen Cannonball Run II and, consequently, don't know the meaning of the word "lesser."

Or, as when he punched P.T. Anderson in the face and cost himself the Jason Robards role in Magnolia, the ways he wittingly sabotaged his career.

Could also be a HIMYM reference.

I find there's about one episode per season where I have to stop and take a break for a few days, so eventually I catch up.

So were you born a fucking dickweed, or did you have to take special classes?

I can stand him in The Goonies just fine.

Maybe she didn't know how the breathing device worked, either.

The entire series is available legally on Hulu.

I would much rather have a Mitchell computer than a Webb computer.

I don't think I made it to even the midway point of the first episode of Boss, but it seemed like a great rebuttal to people who complain about House of Cards being too unrealistic.


I made it through about half of the first one. Mostly it reminded me of that old Onion article that was something like Local Masturbator Appreciates E! Television.

It wasn't just that he believed strongly in public transit, it was that he was also on the board of directors of a public transit agency in Southern California.

It can't be worse than the Ricky Gervais one.

"But don't worry, we'll resume coverage of Peep Show"

When Princess Caroline said that, I seriously assumed she meant "Crocs." It didn't even occur to me that I was wrong when she proceeded to put on a pair of boots.

I sorta assumed he lost a couple hundred pounds and appeared on OITNB as Blanca's partner in crime in her flashback.

Even Cliff Curtis as Escobar in Blow wasn't particularly menacing.

Richard Lewis had a great one-liner about his family being terrible businesspeople because they once opened a restaurant called TGI Yom Kippur.

Possibly because the percentage of Britons living in public housing far exceeds the percentage of Americans.