
Sector Sieben-Gruben, er, 7-G, sir.

Is there an episode you recommend for people who wonder why Grey's Anatomy was ever a thing?

First episode where, as Dave Barry noted, some of the letters on Annette Funicello's t-shirt were closer to the camera than others.

Direct adaptations of pilots are probably more common than direct adaptations of multiple episodes. The pilots of both Three's Company and The Office (US) were very close to the first episodes of the series that inspired them.

I'm trying to figure out who got the shorter end of the stick: Bobby's kids with Karen (both parents died AND Janice was now their guardian), or Tracee's daughter. Or Justin, just fatherless, but also brain-damaged.

Never Vito, though. Both Before Vito and Way Before Vito.

With a schlong in Jan's mouth…

How does the determination work on which streaming service you list under Availability? The Sopranos is on HBO GO and HBO NOW as well.

True story: After traveling to Utah earlier this year, I finally got the joke behind the fact that the family's last name was Sinclair.

Hey, thanks to Nabin's MWOF (or was it MYOF?) entry, I know that the first iteration of the Cavemen series included the Cavemen calling each other "maggers" and getting mad when others use "their" word.

Hey, better than "I Love the 80s' Donal Logue."

Yeah, OHP and its trite "all that glitters isn't gold in the suburbs" horseshit would make this movie look a lot better in comparison.

Because you think it's good, or it because it should cost Netflix next to nothing to obtain the rights to stream it?

Another thing that tells me she'd steer clear: She wasn't in the sequel.

How racist is McSushi? What about Matthew Chen, Positive Asian Stereotype?

And in between the two, they did this with Sarah Palin.

"…and all we've learned so far is that 1 in 10 don't seem to mind."

Not really, no.

"I think O and R was released too soon after Paul Blart."

My favorite one of those is the Dave Matthews Cover Band Cover Band sticker on the vehicle driven by DP and Skeeter on ATHF.