
I avoided seeing it because I thought it was another Paul Blart: Mall Cop, does that count?

Every time we do something, somebody will be like, “So he could have been, like, a rock star?” I’m like, “Oh yeah, that’s probably better.”

I guess if they stop actually making it available for streaming?

Bullshit, she EARNED the one she won for the episode where she was almost raped.

Axl is kind of a hateful, smart-assed child. Like A.J. Soprano, only he's less likely to attempt to drown himself in a pool.

I thought the same thing when he was going to appear in person at the Music Box earlier this year.

I don't think I've actually seen it start to finish, just a short part of it. I was just really uncomfortable with the role being played by someone who's completely able-minded.

As far as 30 Rock goes, I don't think Tina Fey really gave a shit about alienating viewers.

Did people also think he sent kids younger than Danny Noonan to the gas chamber?

Yeah, I remember really enjoying Flowers for Algernon, but Charly just made me uncomfortable.

It's a perfect portrait of arrogance and hubris, not stupidity.

I dunno, look at this picture and judge for yourself.

And for every Silver Linings Playbook, there was a Joy.

THERE'S the Lobsters we all know and love!

"Has Judy really been proven to exhibit racism, though?"

When I got done with the towel, didn't look like no goddamn maxi-pad!

Considering the stories behind the writers' room alone spawned no fewer than one sitcom and two stage plays that were later turned into movies, I feel like I need to learn a lot more about Your Show of Shows.

I get tired of explaining the storyline behind a classic DVDS only to hear "Oh yeah, there was an episode of Two and a Half Men like that."

The Kenneth-replaces-Jack's-lost-tuxedo-pants story is a close second.

Yeah, people who are unfamiliar with the Bravo shows it's satirizing.