
Not necessarily that bit, especially since he's talking about one of the old dried-out cinnamon rolls that's been sitting out all day, but definitely the scene in that one Lucky Louie ep where he brings home a bunch of junk food for dinner, including a Cinnabon.

I dunno, they never show him eating more than a bite or two of each of the restaurant's signature dishes.

Vincent saying "Hey, a vanilla Coke!" like that is also a quaint throwback to an era when it was rare to see a vanilla Coke available at a restaurant.

Cuban sandwiches are made mainly from ingredients I don't like and I still wanted one of the sandwiches they made.

That was before I knew there were people out there who call tomato-based pasta sauces "gravy." I literally thought Paulie was ordering macaroni and beef gravy.

For whatever reason, the meal that appeared on The Sopranos that looked the most appetizing to me was when Tony Uncle Al, Tony Uncle Johnny, and Christopher eat at the steakhouse upstate.

Ever had a martina? It's like a martini, but it's from Albania. Goes down real easy. Ain't that right, Benny?

"Fuck you, Commies" would be my guess as to the reason why it was on Christmas Day.

"Hanukkah gets the short end of the stick when it comes to holiday films."

It takes place over a period of several years, and the only holiday that's really mentioned is New Year's Eve (two consecutive years), so…doesn't really scream that to me.

Yeah, it's pretty much

Also, at the press conference early in the film, Rocky announces that the fight will take place on Christmas Day.

Yeah, it's just sometime in winter - Timothy Hutton comes home for his high school reunion/because he's thinking of moving home from NYC, not for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'm not sure if either Thanksgiving or Christmas take place during the movie.

"I guess technically "Love Actually" is a Christmas movie."

Judging by the fact that he was pretty badly ADR'd at that moment, it's good to see he stuck to his guns.

I had to think about it for a minute, but I probably saw him on the Bambi episode of The Young Ones several years before I saw him on Friends.

PTA's commentary includes a story about a pre-release screening of the film somewhere in SoCal where the theater was filled with drunken frat boys and their reactions to 1) Little Bill going out to the car to get the gun, 2) Little Bill shooting his wife and her lover, and 3) Little Bill shooting himself that is just

I feel like there were some offscreen missing links between that and opening Buck's Super Stereo World.

I'm really surprised that there isn't an entire meme built around a GIF of Don Cheadle sitting at the table in his wig and cowboy getup, looking like his dog just died. You know, like Sad Keanu, only it wasn't a picture taken after an actual tragic event had taken place.

To be fair, that really IS the icing on the shit cake.