
It blew my mind when my wife and I rewatched 30 Rock from the start a year or two ago and I realized the MILF Island host was played by none other than Rob Huebel.

Yeah, I read that entry and went "Oh, Harlow. The band I never would've heard of were it not for David Cross."

Yeah, but they took a vote and they no longer want to hit that.

Oh yeah, that was…a thing that happened.

"Because, again, it's a pretty sexless show."

Then they should not have any gay characters at all. They don't get partial credit for having characters who are openly gay, but are never shown doing or talking about icky stuff like men having sex with other men.

At first I thought you were talking about that time Mariel Hemingway showed up, kissed Roseanne, and was never seen again, but then I realized you were talking about Leon the mincing queen who loved show tunes and functioned mainly as Roseanne's foil when she worked at the Rodbell's coffee shop (and then inexplicably

I had so many thoughts on this scene. Such as "I doubt this news would've resulted in Sue's unconditional acceptance, since that's really not what happened when the charming, flamboyant, ostensibly heterosexual men at my college came out to the conservative Christian women they counted as their friends who, I guess,

Yes, it's possible that they're cowards.

Goddammit, Pop-Up Video lied to me.

I started rewatching the series when they put it up on Amazon, but started with season 4, since I feel like I've seen the back half a lot less frequently than the front half.

I haven't researched it, but I'd be really surprised if there wasn't a real mid-to-late-2000s gonzo porn series called South Beach Strumpet.

"With a schlong in Jan's mouth…"

That moment when you realized that no one recognizes Liv Tyler as Blues Traveler Dorothy.

Yeah, Marv Albert and some fat old white guy who looked like Roger Ebert and used to coach the Jazz.

I was bored enough to check a few hours ago, and there are several.

"'How do you describe what a football looks like to somebody in China?' he laughs."

Anyone else remember the Sports Illustrated parody "Sports Illstated?" Including an ad for the Cup Phone, featuring the iconic line from one of the football phone ads, "Honey, you'll never believe where I'm calling from"?

There was a video like that one from the late 80s or early 90s that my brother and I rented and watched so many times, we practically had it memorized, called NBA Dazzling Dunks and Basketball Bloopers. It's on Hulu now.

He looks like Dave Coulier.