
"Named after a hot dog, you poor man!"

Also, it's really weird that all 4 Ghostbusters chain-smoked through the first one, but all of them had quit by the sequel.

"Jacuzzi, sir?"
"I knew y'all was faggots! I ain't jacuzzi'in' nobody!"

Of all the Britcoms I've ever seen, that's the only one I just plain don't find funny. And that includes all the bland shit they show on PBS like Chef! and As Time Goes By.

I found a clip of that, but never saw more than a few seconds of it. All I remember of it is that it was set in San Francisco.

Yeah, so much for Vic Morrow having a better chance of working with John Landis again than Eddie Murphy.

For me, CTA edges out TP because it contains exactly 0 gay panic jokes, which is extremely rare for an Eddie Murphy movie.

As much as I love Coming To America, it's difficult to watch knowing that it was the catalyst for all the awful movies Eddie Murphy made where they just figured "Eddie Murphy playing multiple characters=funny."

I think it's also been shown on both MTV and BBC America.

Every time he shows up on QI I'm like "Oh hello, kindly old man who got me through four friendless years of high school"

Supposedly that later-season episode of Roseanne with the actress that played Christopher Ryan's AbFab character's second wife and cameos by Saunders and Lumley was some sort of backdoor pilot to the American version Roseanne was producing.

It's funny when the Chief says "My father went the same way!" because it's implausible that more than one person would die from falling from the uppermost portion of Dodger Stadium, being run over by a steamroller, and being trampled by a marching band playing Louie, Louie.

Yeah, I had to look it up because there were portions where I was like "wth"

They're great novels and you should read them. That being said…

Late thirties/early forties in The Godwulf Manuscript, yeah, but that was published in 1973.

This reminds me of the time a friend of mine told me he was a grown man before he learned that Navin's dog in The Jerk isn't actually named "Stupid."

Yeah, that and Gung Ho bookend the "holy shit the Japanese are going take over the world" xenophobia of the 80s rather nicely.

I started reading the novels a few months ago, how do the movies compare?

Ever seen Bad News Bears Go To Japan? Man, that is a thing that exists.

I remember it being much more plausible than Rookie of the Year, because what the actual fuck.