
It does seem like one of the three Soprano kids turned out OK.

Lindsay turned into Hannah Horvath? I blame Mr. Russo.

Assuming Amazon ever actually loads more eps, probably The Man in the High Castle.

in 2008 I binge-watched S1 in a weekend and it was a perfectly fine experience.

Seriously, who the hell is watching soap operas these days? I used to work with a guy who played basketball in college and he said he and his teammates would watch daytime television because that's when they were in their dorms, but…there's streaming media now.

Only somewhat related, but the scene in the IT Crowd ep where Jen is chain-smoking in her smoke-filled apartment isn't nearly as funny if you don't recongnize the theme song from EastEnders in the background.

Did you find it annoying that they shot much of S3 on location in Northern Ireland, yet chose to cast non-Irish actors with shitty Irish accents over Irish actors?

Or you can just do like I did and marry a woman who doesn't subscribe to that philosophy.

"Joe is on his way to our house, which we've known for weeks now"
"Should we do at least a half-assed attempt at babyproofing the house before he gets here?"

Yeah, I don't know that he's quite figured out how to play a dumb teenager.

It didn't start there. Dennis the Menace added Joey after the actor who played Dennis got so old that there was one ep where Mr. Wilson was mad at Dennis because he borrowed his razor without asking permission.

I can't help but feel embarrassed when I recognize actors from Nip/Tuck or Sex and the City.

I wasn't, because I've seen every ep of the show and am already aware that the actress who plays Alex has large breasts.

Didn't Phil and Claire tell their neighbors a few weeks ago that she was going to school out East, or they were worried she was going to?

There was even an ep several season ago where Manny and Luke are getting bullied by some nerds and Alex puts a stop to it because she knows the nerds have a crush on her.

Driven to insanity by Kenny, IIRC.


Or Calvin pissing on a pissing Calvin?

Moby's is pretty much the only one I remember in detail at this point.

Because when Marky Mark's character was a kid, he had no friends and he wished one night that his teddy bear could talk so he'd have a friend.