
I find the version of that song as performed by Dean Martin to be pretty rapey, but not the rest.

She was great on FotC and is great on Bob's Burgers, but man did I ever hate that stupid Penelope, Princess of Pets web short.

We binge-watched the first 4-6 eps and that was definitely better than watching the rest every week as they came out.

In Tucson, it's a disgustingly dry heat, though.

So the Wikpedia summary for this ep said something along the lines of "Carol is pregnant and everyone moves to Montana." I saw the ep, and none of those things happened, correct?

Yeah, that sounds about right.

There was never a school year for me that started after Labor Day, not even in college.

"Where are the donations really going? Frank Sinatra: Dead. Dean Martin: Dead. Sammy Davis, Jr.: Dead. Jerry Lewis: FULL HEAD OF BLACK HAIR."

I thought it was just a bunch of footage that hasn't actually been cut into a viewable version of the film.

Yeah, him. Also, Team America.

…and the waiter is one of those really oily guys, and he goes EHHHHHHHH YOU ENJOYIN' YER SHRIMP?!

No, they just expected people to not be morons.


In which "research project" entails "looking at the Wikipedia page for the song."

There was a sharp decline in quality after they weren't actually affiliated with the Friars Club, but yeah. I should really hate a line like "Sandra Bernhard?! I wouldn't fuck her with Bea Arthur's dick!" But I don't.

Misinterpreting the song. It was a fuck-you to Neil Young because they didn't appreciate his broad brush strokes, not because they embrace segregation.

Yeah, the treatment of the Caribbean in the film versions of Dr. No and Live and Let Die was a little troublesome.

Tokyo wasn't as much of a culture shock for me as I thought it was since it had elements of cities like New York and London that were familiar to me, and the only other place I went was Kyoto, which was basically Japan's answer to Windsor, but I can't imagine what it would have been like to travel somewhere in Japan

I don't find that stuff particularly problematic (it's supposed to be Japan as seen through the eyes of jetlagged insomniac Westerners), but Anna Faris' Cameron Diaz impression forgives everything problematic about it.

My dad loves him some Stephanie Miller, which is pop culture I hate but agree with.