
Yeah, the idea that the kids would find some old Catskills comic that uproariously hilarious is what sells it for me.

Think Megan said something like "oh, fuck LA!" when Don suggested moving out there.

I think the best "fuck" uttered by David Brent was after he'd been made redundant and the motivational speakers group said they weren't going to give him any more dates, the utter resignation in his "oh, FUCKING hell" response.

What do you want, fucko?  You want somethin'?

In this particular instance, you can go ahead and remove the FCC from that enormous strawman argument.  They don't have any authority over content on cable networks (Comedy Central regularly shows uncensored movies and comedy specials in the middle of the night).  It's mainly fear of losing sponsors that keeps

I won't excuse it if they include the Prohibition-era of the scene where Jackie Jr. is playing chess with the little girl and Michael Kenneth Williams goes "How you gon' learn if you don't finish the game?!"

My fiancee watched one of those commercials with me and, afterwards, went "He looks better with half a face."

You sure that was the Tribune that Al Capone busted into, Genevieve?  Pretty sure the window read "Cicero Daily _____" in reverse.

God, it annoys the fuck out of me that The League makes no effort at all to hide the fact that it's filmed in Southern California.  Why even bother with the b-roll of Chicago.

I think we can all agree that Roman on Party Down is the grown-up Bill Haverchuk.

Bill Engvall's crowds yell HERE'S YOUR SIGN and Larry the Cable Guy's crowds yell GIT-R-DUN, though.

No, it doesn't happen to the three comics you mentioned because they don't use catchphrase-based comedy.  What is someone gonna yell at Louis CK, "WIPE THE OIL OFF YOUR TITS AND GO BACK TO COLLEGE"?

It's a fucking childrens' movie for fucking children.  If you were 15 when it came out and saw it then, you would not have been outraged.

Oh, I knew he wasn't American almost immediately.  Just something about the delivery of his lines seemed too cautious and rehearsed.

Good point.

"Shall we say, pistols at dawn?"

It's a lot closer to an East Coast accent than what I understand is the Central California accent, but it's not in John-Cleese-and-Michael-Palin-in-The-Meaning-Of-Life territory or anything.

That article would've been a lot funnier if The Onion had done it shortly after the post-9/11 Starbucks ad it was clearly spoofing, as opposed to 12 goddamn years later.

Yeah, me too.

Either way, he's not from Guildford.