
"…any man who wishes to celebrate women’s empowerment could simply shut the fuck up and let the women of Austin enjoy these two movie screenings without constantly whining about it…".

This is a true fact.

Make your own. Piss-easy.

Have you ever had a Vegemite scroll? You should.

Better find your kevlar and asbestos suit, my friend.

Declaring my colours and saying that Vegemite is better. Especially when spread *thinly* on very hot toast where it can mix with melted butter (not margarine).

Haven't watched yet, but are they *really* running with Ginny and Mike as a couple? REALLY?

Upvoted for your accurate upvote.

Kick-ass work, @avclub-89d2a6cb9d9dbcc3def243c61fc10f4e:disqus. Thank you for a crazy-involved effort. I hope you don't have a day job missing you, or that you've given up sleep.

/me raises pen-nerd hand.

Minor correction re MCU connections: there were several NY Bulletin front pages alluding to the Battle of New York on the wall in the offices where Karen went to do her research. They were there last season as well.

Oh, totally now-Liv.

I am seriously digging iZombie. Then again, Veronica Mars was also totally my jam.

Back when I was a young bloke, I had the privilege of meeting David when he visited my town. He happened to be the cousin of an indigenous teacher who worked at the school my dad was the principal at.
We spent a day hanging out by a river, catching fish, talking about the bush, and having David randomly walk into the

I thought the same. Then decided the "less" was associated with the adjective "stomach-churning" and not the noun "zombies". In which case, less would be correct. It still doesn't parse nicely, but it could be correct.

"American culture"? I beg your pardon?

This is actually not far from the truth.

They're A Weird Mob? Nothing like some late-60s to early-70s confused acceptance plus rejection of post-WWII migration.

As an Aussie, I'd agree with that. We look at Americans and their guns and think they're weird and obsessive. Show an Aussie car nut a big block Chev engine custom-mounted in something that was never designed to take it, and they're the very definition of "weird and obsessive".