
Okay. Got one from the rurals.

Yeah. Holy shit. This thing is everything that is wrong with America and has been wrong with America in a fucking nutshell.

Man. I studied a bunch of Philippine history a long time ago. I apologize for imperialism.

Fucking A! I live in Seattle and this city is segregated as fuck. All the white people work downtown but live in the burbs'

I'm fascinated by that fact as well.

Yeah. That's a weird one. Why is everyone so fucking uncomfortable with calling vaginas vaginas? As a young boy, we were joking about are dicks constantly while the girls kinda just referred to it as "down there." Socialization to shameful references towards women's sexuality is a fucking problem. (oh yeah,

It's kinda true. We're good at lying via cheating on partners and shit (I think? Never tried it) but I'm a horrible liar even though I do it constantly. I think it's because I grew up in my straight male whiteness prism and nothing I ever had to do or say really had a whole lot of consequences on the course of my

This. I legit remember in the 1990s when they used to report on sports instead of just fox-news it and create fake "controversies" that aren't really controversies outside ESPN. Fuck em' Haven't watched that shit in years.

So white people are literally out-sourcing pregnancy these days? Good god. While we never find a new source of imperialism?

G&T (my fav drink)

Because they know when to shut up? I love the narrative of pro athletes cheating on their wives. Durr. Yeah, it happens. What isn't to think that their wives aren't doing the same fucking thing? 2014. I know it's a fucking news flash but women enjoy sex and it's never been easier in this day and age to hook-up on the

I like it.

It's a tough one for sure. As a dude, I honestly wished we men could talk more about that shit with each other. As someone who basically had a permanent erection from looking a girl that I thought was cute from 12-24, yeah, it's a lil' different in the early 30's. I'm much less of a douche-nozzle but it's harder to

Okay. This I don't get. Jerking off at work. Usually that's the last damn thing on my mind. Before or after work? Sure.

haha. Yeah. I hear that. A fellow male, the internet has definitely warped my sense of sex, attractiveness, and kink.

can't do it. She generates too much hate/like/envy/disgust. She's the Hollywood equivalent of Tim Tebow as an NFL quarterback. No one should care about mediocre talent but we all hate that it gets attention.

I respect her mom's business acumen. I just honestly can't figure out who buys their products? It has to be the same rural folks that believe professional wrestling isn't faked/nascar crowd. Basically poor GOP voters.

Well. Considering that I do most if not all of that entire list. I'm out Ms. Kerr. I'm a gross person, basically, is what I'm saying. FTW.

Bra-fucking-vo. +1 Andy. Loved how you called attention to both sides of the debate and carefully explored the hypocrisy of university administration compensation (which is the major contributor to tuition increases at state schools. Also less state taxes to a degree).

I agree with everything that you said. America is fundamentally founded upon racism, genocide, slavery, and white privilege. We still live with those legacies to this day despite what conservatives willfully forget.