
That’s the TRUTH! If you’re having trouble getting meaningful healthcare under the new (and soon to be repealed) Unaffordable Healthcare Act, then check out health sharing ministries such as Liberty Healthcare out of Canton, OH. It’s $200 a month for individuals with a $500 Annual Unshared Amount (same thing as a

The L-5htp version is the safe one. The cheaper 5HTP (without the ‘L’) should be avoided.

Your statement is nonsense on stilts! There is a mountain of clinical evidence behind the efficaciousness of melatonin for insomnia, etc, (and no, I will not waste my time looking up links for you). Of course it won’t help everyone for everything related to sleeplessness, but no one is claiming that.

That's interesting that you sleep that way. You are close to recreating the historical sleep pattern we had until the invention of artificial light. Read online about 'first and second sleep'. That sounds like what you're doing. Culturally, we've forgotten all about it, but we've begun rediscovering it in old writings

Try time-released melatonin, which is something that should’ve been mentioned in this art. There are even different lengths of time, based on your needs, although it usually isn’t listed on the label. You can call manufacturers and ask, which I did years ago. KAL = 2-4 hours. GNC = 5 hours. Source Naturals = 6 hours.

Approve my comments now you Leftist Nazi thought police!

I can create wood almost any time of the day or night...but I won't tell you how. :)

Yep...but what about Unobtainium? Didn’t humans create that one? :)

It could use modern noise cancelation tech to cancel out its own noise couldn't it? Seems obvious.

You are a liar. The WMDs were present in Iraq when we said they were, and indeed remnants that were still there when we “finally” got around to invading, after the wasted year of trying to get the doddering, nutless Lefttards in “Old” Europe to join the pointless “Coalition of the Willing”. I knew at the time, and

Actually, we did find WMDs in Iraq and the rest were sent to Syria for temporary safekeeping in the weeks before the war in Iraq. The Leftwing press lied, and people died!