fully on the side of an abuser and liar? either you have not watch the trial and listend to the recordings or you are simply denying the facts and the evidence
fully on the side of an abuser and liar? either you have not watch the trial and listend to the recordings or you are simply denying the facts and the evidence
*Spike Lee angrily tweets Alan Oppenheimer’s home address*
There were more comments about how the articles were just flat out wrong than just being hateful, so it wasn’t just the hateful comments that made them turn them off.
GB 2016 was absolute dog shit. Fuck anyone who defends it for any reason, in any way.
If hearing about the rich actress who reads racist comments online makes you mad wait until you hear about George Floyd.
Nonsense. It was perfectly understandable why regular people rejected the latest untalented hack hoisted on them by the woketards
Or maybe I don’t care who the film is ‘targeted’ towards and think that none of Paul Feig’s work is very funny in general, not just this film. If you gave the same material to 4 men it wouldn’t have been funny either.
I think I laughed like 3 times during the whole film.
“Bringing up the idea of giving the movie ‘back to the fans’ was a pretty clear shout-out to all those losers who went after us for making an all-female film.” Jones writes.”
His comments are shitty, but I don’t think that Hendrix really fits the format of the book.
Looks like the “Back but Black” genre has finally run its course.
I think people are missing some of the nuance here. Obviously, no one expects a comedian to tell the 100% truth during their sets. We know there’s a level of deception. But there’s a big difference between telling a fake story for a laugh and telling a fake story that hurts real people.
He said he was racially profiled and that he was the victim of a fucking anthrax attack. He added to racial animus in the country, over and over and over again. And I know it’s subjective, but he’s not funny. There’s no way he should be given the Daily Show.
Calm down and stop clutching your pearls, ya dork. This was acutally a fun exercize as a kid. I did this assignment in 4th grade during the 90s as well and it was far more engaging and fun than most of our assignments.
The simple and obvious fact of the matter is that male actors don’t compete with female actors for female roles, and female actors don’t compete with male actors for male roles. (Well, they might compete for “Unnamed Nurse” or “Judge Smith,” but those roles don’t lead to awards nominations.) Ergo, different categories…
Why not just create a new non-binary category and be done with it? Keep best actor & actress, add best non-binary actor? I dont want to live in a world where women aren’t recognized and all the awards go to dudes. That is exactly what would happen if those categories were collapsed.
“Owner of a Lonely Heart” really ought to be on this list.
That video’s impact is undeniable, but I don’t know how anyone can continue to celebrate a disgusting pedophile.
I like the show overall, and I thought both episodes were decent, but I hope we can skip past the LOUIE phase of “every single choice the show makes is the right one because the show made it, and anyone who finds fault with it is part of the problem.”