Antonio's blockhead

Didn’t she say her abductor was a White guy with orange hair and a bald spot? And didnt she imply that he sexually abused her??   I smell a ...HATE CRIME

Tell David Penny that...


She was diagnosed with MS

Has the mother apologized for raising a violent thug??

Clark was identified by the victims father. Clark and his cousin are on video tape ...he’s guilty

Interesting... This Black professor agrees with her

The evidence against him is overwhelming... He is grasping at straws because he is a coward

, “I grew up poor, one of four children being raised by a single mother”

Remember, should this same situation play out in the future, with the races reversed, how applauding of vigilante justice will you be then?

Truthfully, she is a mediocre actress. She yells and shouts, or does that low, angry growl... All while having a face as emotion less as a block of wood. 

Kool G Raps song" Train Robbery " deals with robbing people at gunpoint, committing vicious assaults and raping a woman... GREAT ART!!!!?

Personally, I think all three groups should then assist the families of Chinese railroad workers who built the fucking Transcontinental Railroad.”

well, it was White people who freed the slaves..

Black tears

Hope you catch AIDS from your Mama's dirty pussy

She's beIng pushed around by 5 guys..... Why shouldn't she call for help??

For every Karen incorrectly accused there are thousands of black folks (women, men, and children) that paid the ultimate price for a “real” Karen’s tears

Ghetto scum is ghetto scum ( shrugs shoulders)