My 2nd Generation iPod touch crashed four times trying to load this article, perhaps it's trying to tell me something.
Microwaves have always messed up my signal for b/g routers. I've since upgraded to a dual band n router and it's great. Clean signal to my computers running on the 5Ghz band with no negative effects from the micro, and the older stuff can work just like before.
My pockets have been empty thanks to college, I just need a place to sleep and a bit of food and water. I could go without a phone or iPod. A computer, not so much.
Cruisers are excellent cars for off-roading and providing a bit of comfort, so I pledge your choice. I must hand it to you, this is going to be quite an experience!
I've been having similar thoughts about using VPN to use the Google Talk Voice VoIP. Thanks for confirming it!
I've been putting my phone in the bottom hole of my backpack and I text back when I feel like it. I see it as e-mail, sending and replying at both parties convenience.
@H0M3: It's not a bad thing, but you do have to keep in mind the stock of textbooks and the used markets price (which inflates and deflates around the school year).
I feel no remorse for them, they already put out my favorite mom n' pop movie stores with people behind the counter who really knew their stuff.
Not my pin jack. All well, I'm just going to go over here and pick up this Cowon S9.