Trey Reeves

Wash: But, psychic? Is't that a little SciFi?
Zoe: We live on a spaceship, dear.
Wash: So?

He reminds me of Prince Herbert of Swamp Castle from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Oh yeah? Well you tell that to Petula Clark.


Was there ever a more awkward scene?

There's a NEW York?

I'm willing to confess to Mr. Green's murder if it will help this storyline end.

"Ray Comfort"? There's an alias if I ever heard one.

(1) Large pile of tissues over in the corner next to locked cabinet.

He's dreeeamy!

Go to the movie and give YOURSELF a good thrashing, a la Pee-Wee Herman. If anyone asks, tell them that the spirit got a hold of you and you were whacking in tongues.

"Not in this town, sweetheart. They'll hunt those children for sport."

Or the freeze while pouring coffee that quickly overflows the cup until it falls to the floor.

It's Terry. Terry Gengurch.

Neat! (clicks camera)

She's the head of the Jabberwocky group.

You got a problem with dat, punk?