Trey Latrash

Sold me … I'm gettin me 2 today!

Blame the White Man for showing Bill how the pills worked!!!

Urine Idiot

Virtual reality makes perfect sense. All the false promises and lies will seem more realistic when they're spewing it.

You're a racist

It's certainly better than it was in 1965. And now that the doom and gloomers are ready to jump off bridges, things are looking brighter for me by the day.

It is … Don't you think holding her up as a symbol to the black church is a good idea?

I just read that some of the families of the victims told the shooter they forgive him. That in itself is what shows me that Jon Stewart is wrong about the doom and gloom of America. The shooter took something from them and they forgave him. He's taken nothing from you but somehow I get the feeling you'll never

The internet never ceases to amaze me. There's always this one guy (in this case that would be you) who can't stand what he's reading, gets bent out of shape, curses, insults, screams at the monitor, yet can't look away. You literally hate reading this but you continue to do so. It's amazing.
Oh btw you never have

I know exactly what taking the high road means. I'm not sure you do however. Take an overview of this comment section and you'll notice I haven't insulted, name called or used any curse words while commenting to others. Everyone else (including you) took a different path. I always take the high road.
Now, getting back

I'll offer a solution. Open communication is always a good start, wouldn't you agree? With that in mind let's take the Rev Al Sharpton who's already taken it upon himself to go to Charleston and voice his opinion. You of course already know that he stood up for Rachel Dolezal the white Woman who pretended to be black.

Awwwww I'm heart broken.

I figured you must of had a plan since you showed so much concern on the order of my responses (in-between the flurries of insults) But that's how the internet works. It's easy to spot the calm people verses the ones who snap. (much like the racist in S.C. snapped)

Why just 2015? People have been killing each other since Man stood upright.

I've yet to see your plan to advance humanity grace the comment section.

I suggest a good blood pressure medication for you. But then again, you beleieve America is coming to an end, so what's the point.

Your complaint is the order in which I reply? HA!

You obviously enjoy living in fear that America is going down the toilet. Something like this will ALWAYS be around. The question is, how often will it happen? The answer is it's LESS often than 50 years ago, so with that in mind, things are getting better.

I see you took the high road.

America is not doomed like Jon Stewart seems to be suggesting. Yes there was ONE guy that committed a heinous racist act, but it was only ONE guy and ONE act. Pick someone off the street in Syria or Iraq and ask them if they could live under the conditions in Charleston verses the conditions there. I'm not downplaying