Hilarious, the unemployed 350 lb ‘tough guy troll’ who dreams he’s the next Stalin, who’s ‘keeping score’ from his mother’s ‘guest bedroom’ in a shit-smeared Section 8 Projects Building, is talking shit about career paths!
Hilarious, the unemployed 350 lb ‘tough guy troll’ who dreams he’s the next Stalin, who’s ‘keeping score’ from his mother’s ‘guest bedroom’ in a shit-smeared Section 8 Projects Building, is talking shit about career paths!
I’d certainly fist your gaping pucker with my 10 gauge Browning. But only after rendering you into a corpse. I’m a jaded soldier, not a blossoming psychopath too afraid to hunt real prey.
Alright, you lying little bitch.
to be fair, real life intrudes on my end too, so I may have to respond to this properly anon...
I have to hand it to you...I don’t know that I could have stretched the Big Lebowski bit all the way out to meet up with the True Grit reference...that’s some nice work, there...
I’ll hold my hand up on the ‘might have gone a little hard on that other fella’ charge. (Honestly trying to sound more visceral than pretentious) I’ll admit I sometimes enjoy the fires of intellectual combat a little too fiercely.
Hahaha. Holy SHIT, thanks for the yucks!
Right on Brother. Your tastes are just about impeccable. I once made a girlfriend pee laughing by reading her the first page of Good Omens. She begged me to stop and tried to grab the book from my hands, but I tortured her with Pratchett until she got rug burn from the squirming laughter.
Deflect this:
Holy shit. I’ve really stumbled through the looking glass.
I’m a long-term reader of the AV Club from way back when it didn’t use “kinja” to host its comment section but only lately awarded myself commenting privileges so I’m on something of a learning curve myself...
Preprogrammed deflection.
Well just lookey at the little Stalin-wannabe genocidal shitbag?
What, now the House Intelligence Committee is investigating whether to classify the Black Isrealites as a Domestic Terror organization?
All right, dipshit. You asked for it.
Phillips wasn’t neutral. He was only chanting in one direction. Also:
More fucking horseshit.
Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,…