Trevor Talley

Dunno who else you're talking to, but I'm surely no troll :}. But again, you keep on the same point here, which my only point in response was that it's not a real reason to dismiss a thought. You are just using it as a confirmation bias tool.

That's a term with a history of nothing but bigotry. This term is less agreed upon, which is the reason it doesn't invalidate the thought. It doesn't actually refer to a group of people based on something they can't choose. I mean, many people think "conservative" is an insult, just as some think "liberal" is. This is

But of course, I see why you make that argument. It means you don't have to listen to anyone who uses that term that might disagree with you. Convenient, and nonintellectual.

Really though, terms don't just "come" from somewhere usually. They can be used by anyone, and one group's usage of a term in a certain way doesn't mean that anyone who uses it is using it the same way or agrees with that group. This is how language works.

Regardless, it's semantics, and arguing that someone can invalidate their position simply by using a word that you disapprove of, one that isn't a culturally banned word but just one you don't like, isn't quality thinking. The deeper thought would be, what does it say about me that I agree with this person, but they

Untrue. That's just the perception that works for your world view.

If that's the only reason you'd disagree with someone, usage of a term that has become common and is used widely, you're cherry picking.

You are correct that it's that he did it in a shorter distance and that's what mattered. I don't remember the stuff about the balck holes though, been a damn long time.

Well yes, he still had to be fast to do it in that short of a distance. Not mutually exclusive.

If that's huffing and puffing, I'm glad it's just a bad article I'm blowing on and not a house full of pigs or something. This was some pretty mild stuff.

Heh, no, I really don't feel that way.

As a person who makes a living being a critic, I disagree. I think that criticizing something for touching off your emotions in ways you don't like is useless criticism. If we're doing that, we might as well get rid of all art ever.

It's so funny that people think TV shows owe them something. You are a whiner, this is bad TV, and this is exactly what happens on bad TV. If you expect anything else, you are deluded.

Thaaaat's not what Harmontown is about. Harmontown follows his podcast, surprisingly called "Harmontown," on a tour around the nation.