
Looks like Andy knows how to copy and paste.

Sure is nice of them to commercial that headset that they aren't offering in the box on the box

It looks like Stephen Dorff beside him in the brown suit.

Does that security guards mom know he is there? It looks like he just left his middle school girls choice dance.

Just a quick heads up, and it's just informative, not being nit picky, Marine should always be capitalized.

So I live in a small town outside of a major metro that doesn't have very many internet options and my nephews live in the country and they have terrible internet connection. What are they supposed to do smart guy?

A system that is currently being outsold in Japan by the PSP cannot be considered successful.

I get what you're saying, but they have college football. All they would have to do is release one game every four years with some downloadable roster updates every year.

I get that, but it's not like they would have to market it outside the U.S. It's just that golf is so freaking boring. Even if you don't find college basketball interesting, it has a lot more action and excitement than golf.

It's amazing to me that they still make golf video games, but don't make college basketball games.

I'm going to say it was supposed to be funny. Unfortunately unless you are in the room while it is happening, they come off as dumb.

I haven't read Spider-Man in ages. What does that mean?

Agreed wholeheartedly.

I saw this video a couple days ago, and I found absolutely nothing funny about this. If the place had video surveillance, I would throw them out of the store and ban them from ever coming back.

It's the same thing with first person shooters. Other than you're enemies looking a little different it's all the same thing over and over. Especially those call of duty games.

Oh I really wish/hope that they don't make you pay for the online services. I know the 360's online service is better than the PS3's, but I'm a cheap bastard and don't want to pay twice for internet.

You think incorrectly.