That light saber sound drove me crazy immediately. I couldn't imagine playing that game for more than five minutes.
That light saber sound drove me crazy immediately. I couldn't imagine playing that game for more than five minutes.
I'm sure there was some huge government grant to fund this nonsense.
I would be willing to bet a lot of money this person has a vested interest in the NRA. I would also be willing to bet that not only would this person get a kickback if it passed (which it won't) but that less than 5% of all funds would actually go to fund mental health care.
I've seen all 6 in the theater and im good with J.J. I will say I wss looking forward to seeing Zack Snyder making a rendition af Kurosawa's 7 samurai in the Star Wars universe though.
...right there
That's odd, because because surprisingly every time I have had to contact Nintendo for service, it was great. In fact, Nintendo has consistently been the best customer service of all the cs's I've had to contact.
Darn. I was hoping that would be funny...
Boarderlands 2 was ok, but it's just like every other fps to me. Now The Walking Dead the game was a fresh new take on video games, yet Boarderlands 2 got game of the year on X-play? That is why that show is being canceled.
I really want to get this, but no way will either of my computers run it.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Well I'm pissed for a couple reasons. One is that I used to love G4, but they canceled every good show they had. Then on their facebook page, everyone was complaining about the shows they canceled and how they were running the channel and how they were changing the ones they kept. The people complaining were right…
GTA 4's story was terrible and the voice acting was laughable (save for Katt Williams and Ricky Gervais). That alone makes RDR much better.
If you don't know what RDR means, you should turn in everything you have that pertains to video games.
Because you said it did? You must be a Harvard professor. You're probably one of those people that believes that the vapor trails from an airplane are actually chemicals designed to poison people.
Shadow of the Colossus was pretty amazing. I would have chosen that or RDR over Half Life 2
Yeah, because there aren't already 10 first person shooters about aliens out there.
GTA 3 was the innovator in the rockstar series of games, but RDR was the first game to be a successful western and the story was amazing. It was glitchy, but I love westerns, so I will admit that I'm biased.
True, but I don't have to be happy about it. I'll just sit here and pout.
That was bullshit. Should have been RDR.