Trevor Patrick

so a show that was culturally forward thinking when it aired, but kind of looks campy, at best, insulting at worst, now wants to come back? this'll go well.

it's been done

went a little dark on that series finale.

it wasn't geraldo's fault!

hey! You forgot shearer's best character: Mr. Snrub

funny how adam scott is doing so well, while scott adams isn't.

or ron paul

did anyone else think that the button to kill janet on some secret atoll by the beach was a lost reference?

thing is, I could see trump showing up at NBC in December like nothing ever happened and ask when they want to start shooting the new season of the apprentice.

ugh, this book was so freaking bad. it was as if Grisham was allergic to conflict, or rather having the protagonist solve his own problems. Spoilers to a decades old book lie ahead.

house members, not senators.

the show is leaning more into the west wing part of its DNA rather than the 24 part (or arguably, season 1 of Jericho and that's helping. The walk and talks at the beginning were really reminiscent of the west wing, as was Seth's speech and the internal debates over the morality and ethics of their choices. that

Teddy works so much better than Bill. Towards the end of the show when the joke had gotten old (and the beginning when the jokes were especially cruel) Bill episodes became especially tedious. Bill trying to kill himself, dressing up as lenore, that one where Peggy uses him for her pyramid scheme have a shelf life

those atoms were baseball, these atoms are football. two teams, both called atoms it seems.

that hair regrower bit on update with kyle mooney felt like the "integrated advertising" a few minutes in it was like clicking an article that turned out to be "sponsored content."

if they wanted to destroy the principal's life, the kids should have just asked him to review something.

scion TC! scion TC! scion TC!

so does this mean they're not going to address archer's death? Or will the whole season turn out to be a fantasy of archer's delirious, near death mind?

maybe pam gets a cell phone, doo-dee-doo-doo-doo.

mumble, mumble, mumble