Trevor Patrick

the moment they said special election i was hoping jonah would run and he is and it will be hilarious. imagine if he wins and both selena and tom court him as a kingmaker. sure his uncle thinks he can knock him out of office after a term, but if the president owes a big favor, that won't hurt. just seeing him try

i loved the ember island players braaviosi edition

fucking bran. mother fucking bran. what has he even done that's good for the book? His being thrown started the plot, he may have caused god knows what damage to the past those other times he visited, he introduced timeline elements to a show that does not need time travel or anything to do with affecting the past.

it had one of the problems that happen when too many cast members show up, it feels more like a party for the cast than a show for the audience.

i think this episode had a new or different storyboard artist which is why everything looked slightly different. peridot's head for example seemed larger than normal

the thing about movies based on children's games is it's so hard to tell if they seem stupid or if I'm just an old curmudgeon who can't handle fun.

why wasn't lewis black in this? Hell, why wasn't he red? He already played an angry red CGI character for a kids movie, it's a perfect fit! or are they afraid of real anger?

while the strip the bechdel test originated from did exist in 1996, it's unlikely anyone would have discussed it, especially students in florida middle school. If they had, I wonder if the mentioned the comic strip it came from or not. Somehow I doubt they could have men said the name "Dykes to watch out for"

separating the middle and goldbergs is bad enough, but having the middle on tuesdays? not a fan of that decision.

the people with guns showing up feels like a more traditional end of the world show trying to seep into the weird little world LMOE has created. it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.

it's still a large army which could return to fight the slavers and you hope dany knew enough to at least try to dismantle the slaver infrastructure when she took over. they may be a lot weaker than they're letting on. They could also want the "financial reimbursement" for the slaves.

this might be a small thing, but anyone else wondering what's happened with bronn?

that's a reference that requires a few steps and it's great

such a good episode and really glad they didn't let nevada make her president. This needs to go through the house, for all the ridiculousness that entails. The only worry is that they'll pull the trigger and make tom president and have her be veep again, which makes no sense for her character. No one, after being

my only thing with this episode was that they seemed to end the marge bart conflict ended too easily, it was pretty anticlimactic.

it was the baby ceo sketch

hopefully he wasn't serious, because nothing gets someone memed more than asking people not to.

i still hate that baby sketch, but this was the best of the three. changing up the dynamic from just an awkward person watching his boss' boss' boss act like a baby to the ceo baby trying to get a position while acting like a baby was funnier. Plus, while seeing a ceo as a baby isn't too concerning, but a baby (or

since we're on the subject of clone krieger, anyone think it's going to come up again? Aside from a brief mention in the premier of last season, it hasn't been relevant at all. is the very fact that it likely is a clone supposed to be the joke, or do you think they're planning something? Maybe the original krieger

Looper, oh my god, looper is just the worst. the time travel elements make no sense, the telekinetic powers seem like a hat on a hat and it's not established why we're supposed to root for young looper over old looper even though the movie is clearly framed that way. Old looper knows everything young looper does and