Trevor Patrick

an episode of LSP speed dating through the various jerks and weirdos of ooo would be interesting. and it seems lemongrab misses being part of a couple

thought they might have had one more season to make it work, like with Joey

a few posts i've seen theorize the "what we really are" was something added for marketing. Like in lost's third season where one of the ads promised "3 things will be answered in this episode" and the only thing answered was the origin of jack's tattoos.

gumball was great, i love the episodes where the town has a bunch of little moments. plus the tension of Up's sequence was removed since we know they live and get to have their kid.

since steven can warg, maybe he can win the iron throne

was it ever explained what selina did before politics? I used to think maybe she was part of the early tech scene, but this kind of killed that idea. probably a lawyer

well, a big part of that may have been that it was about a former (non fictional) president. Plus the humor here seemed more at everyone around bob, than at him directly.

As an old christine fan, I love the promotion of richard, it's wonderful every time she says his name.

even though it looks like the recount will confirm meyer as president, I hope it doesn't and this goes to the house. having such a huge plot point resolved like this will feel like a cheat, especially as it was the cliffhanger last season. Plus dangling this hope of a clear victory in front of her, just to snatch it

Is mike even prepared to handle a kid? His life is pretty chaotic, he has no idea if he'll have a job in 3 months and if he does he never has any time. It's unclear how much time his wife would have, but this probably isn't the best time to adopt.

the thing about Olly that was annoying was how he couldn't get with the program. What, your family was killed? Welcome to westeros. most people managed to deal with it or plan their own revenge without depending on others, until they were royalty and had their own court of people to help.

it's also nice how they've shifted focus of the show away from mopecai and skips to rigby and benson. there's a lot more material to mine there and it doesn't involve incessant will they or won't they arcs.

the rap scene had a more laid back regular show vibe

if anything, the only weakness in the show is eddie to an extent. maybe it's because i'm old, but i think it works better when it focuses on the parents.

it's starting to feel like it's becoming the dilbert animated series. with horse sex. so, office space i guess?

after being disappointed with season one i tried to get back into season 2, but man that new theme song didn't make it easy.

this is going to cost some dollary doos

it was also a waste of maude and the voice sounded off. the minnesotan woman who stayed in the simpsons' B&B in that xmas episode a few years sounded more like maude than she did (and yes, i know, it's the same voice actor)

can't someone else do it?

regarding the couch gag, didn't cronenberg bart say no more guest animators?