Trevor Patrick

this flanders would have maybe made sense if it was the present day flanders who has suffered both homer's action's and god's with his being a double widower, but the old flanders had no reason to be as nasty.

know who else is sick og your mom jokes? My mom!

that's the only reason to like phantom menace too

sadly it's not the latest, there has been one or two since, none of which have been that good. Mystery Inc may be the pinnacle of scooby doo and maybe there will be another one day. that was a fantastic show.

can we PLEASE have a Stephen King cinematic universe? Preferably done by the people who made 11/22/63? all the books connect anyway and the dark tower could be their avengers. it makes more sense than…this

the al ighty ollar?

some of the puns were a little unweildy, like they didn't know when to stop. like two broke powerpuff Girls. If someone can combine those three shows into an amusing short, they didn't work on madtv

will sasso will be back, what does he have going on? Key and Peele were on madTV? That makes them the most illustrious alums, right behind lois from family guy. say what you will about snl, their alums do more.

AT has found a pretty good groove of having new episodes that don't go into the lore of AT but are still interesting. Back around when Betty was introduced it felt like the episodes needed to be about the lore, now it's slowed down without feeling boring.

both cartoon network and The Hub aired these for a while, before they just disappeared. It doesn't seem to connect to modern audiences the way it did back then. Was it the 90's references, the variety style show which is pretty uncommon these days, that the focus was heavily comedic?

Taking an honest look at this show is difficult, because it requires looking past nostalgia and preconceptions of a show, in addition to examining a show made for very different demographics.

more amazing than a moon pie

yeah, the b plot was pretty meh, but skinner and chalmers did embiggen the humor. the memoir joke was a little annoying because what happened to "will there ever be a rainbow" his first autobiography. they certainly handled smithers and everything in a pretty even, but funny manner. all in all, a cromulent episode.

the laptop argument was kind of annoying, it seemed clear that the writers wanted the audience to side with amy, but sheldon had some fair arguments. a laptop is one of, if not the most personal thing a person could buy and it's not the kind of thing that can be purchased for another person, even with that guy from

the australian version of this show didn't quite cut it imo, it didn't build enough and the great thing about forest is he's lawful neutral, which is rare to see, someone who adhere's to one obscure set of morals, the reviews, regardless of everything else.

thinking like that and you'll take over his cult as the head of the infinity star life.


this was a really good episode, although honestly, the eddie stuff doesn't quite work as well as the stuff about the parents, they give the parents the perfect amount of nuance and the jokes work so well.

anyone else getting an "under the dome" vibe from this?

in fairness, doing an entire speech in an insulting accent sounds like something trump would do.