Trevor Patrick

one of the great things about this is that the conflict is real. usually in tv things like "will they win the day?" are obvious, but it's really plausible that selena could end up as Veep again

why was bernadette going to get in a hot tub if she knew she was pregnant? Do writers think that not drinking coffee or alcohol is the only thing pregnant women need to avoid?

where's leeds? I grew up there, my father's from leeds. …he's dead now.

hopefully the poachers never discover the aphrodisiac properties of human horn.

this seemed like the kind of episode where it's best to do it now, or not at all. the whole "it was all a dream, fantasy, etc" gets more ridiculous the longer a show goes, so now's a good time. still, too bad the characters weren't more defined.

I thought meemaw was dead, did anyone else think that?

this seems to have one of the same problems as the shanarra chronicles in that it's trying to stretch or delay it's plot too much. It makes more sense for magicians which only has 3 books, so if it wants to last beyond 3 seasons (which is a bit presumptuous) it will have to expand the book's plot and universe.

the "we're in hell" line supports my theory that Frankie is just Debra from everybody loves raymond in hell

watching it a second time, archer vice was pretty good and the "return to form" of last season kind of lacked. A bigish change might be just what it needs. also, hopefully there will be confirmation that woodhouse died and done in a respectful manner.

this and the ron howard kim bassinger episodes were the ones I realized were terrible when I first watched them. Looking back however, after watching "Maggie makes 3" I realized this was one of the points where cracks were starting to show. It was overall a great episode, but clearly had not been polished up as well

This was one of the first episodes i was really disappointed in. it just kind of limped along after the bus part.

my guess is it's going to be futurella. he thought of bringing it to fox, but the process is too streamlined for his new shows.

they say that now, but next year jay leno will have a show right before him

His Kingdom of Landover series was decent too, especially the sequels. They were kids fantasy, but they weren't convoluted or overly serious, or bogged down in to much mythology. He just needed to make the plot less a point to B and then C and develop the romances better.

when you take the stars and the wars out of star wars it's a much more streamlined story too

an interesting thing is that when Garnet asks Rose if she upsets her, Rose replies "Who cares about how I feel?" which isn't a no. while Rose has clearly rebelled from the Homeworld Gems at this point, it seems that she still has and is likely unlearning some of their hangups.

i have to disagree, this just felt like a weak episode. Everything to do with coding felt like a flimsy strawman trying to make points that had been made 4 years ago. Girl coders hate men, coding in general is mostly male, they say they're changing the world too much. These are all jokes that have been made well

so alpha house was cancelled? Why is garry trudeau still only doing doonesbury on sundays?

rather would have seen presient bartlett announce a west wing reboot.

the dubya sketch was fantastic, if for no other reason than it shows how "the best republican field in a generation" has become worse than the worst republican president in a generation. it was pretty good satire and didn't hit the audience over the head with it.