Trevor Patrick

I kind of gave up after season 1, but want to start again since it appears to have improved, but can't bring myself to start. That new theme was like an alarm to stay away

there is no way a christmas story was their movie in the 80's. when it came out to theaters only about 6 people watched it,

By "until the 3rd third book" you mean forever and ever until time ceases to be, right?

that looper joke with JGL was fantastic. it almost made it worth seeing looper. almost.

I hate Dippy Fresh sooooooooooo much!

so chuckie escaped from the as told by ginger universe then? How else do you explain how he's the only one with that nose-mouth gap?

the point about the show's positivity is important regarding necessary restrictions with adult and children cartoons. While it's good that children's cartoons are able to offer complex plots, characterization, and clever humor, children are too young for the kind of negativity found in most adult cartoons.

given the state of the world, is anything more than "YOLO" warranted? it seems doubtful that life could actually survive for very long without any animals or insects insects (well, very few). the ecosystems must be completely destroyed, how could vegetation last without worms, bees, and other insects? At this point

at the beginning of the season I expected them to find the group ruled over by a cult of Phil, using some basic competency as justification for becoming a totalitarian ruler.

what's great about the philXphil fight is how it's a Rorschach test for how a person views society and the distribution of goods. On the one hand, phil 2 makes a good point, he practically carries them, the only reason they've lasted as long as they have is because of the overabundance of goods, which are rapidly

that's why the last few episodes seemed better.

the tree house of horror reference is the kind that works far better on rick and morty because they've been making those jokes since the beginning. here it feels lazy and mildly jarring as it bends the show's reality too far.

no florida though

what is with this trend of introducing a character played by a big-ish actor and then immediately dying? Will Ferrell here, on the office, bill hader on Brooklyn 99 and i'm sure there are others. has this happened enough to be an official trope yet?

compu hyper global mega net was really ahead of its time. Today it really would get bought out, only by google or facebook.

"guys Candace, girls date guys"

we're finally free!

that president better be in his second term, cuz he just lost the human vote after betraying us to those spiders!

maybe he's running for president in this world, but that'd mean it was in the same universe as pepperann. hopefully in this one people support his healthcare plan.

evil queen? I think you mean EVIL SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!