Trevor Patrick

harry lost his parents and caught the Wizard Angst, Quentin had a distant relationship with his parents due to the ennui of the lower upperclass New York lifestyle.

when the crewniverse had the "sardonyx is coming" on their tumblr it seemed reminiscent of "Gabbo is Coming" from the Simpsons and given Sardonyx's almost showman personality it seems like it may have been an intentional homage.

just wondering, after this bomb, any chance of getting reviews for the unreviewed episodes? there should be about 40 or so that were never reviewed and would be a nice weekly treat in between steven bombs.

i hear they wanted a piece of toast, but settled for bobby mohnihan

the good thing about "kickin it" is that RDJ looks enough like charlie sheen here that it still works. in fact i'm not convinced it isn't sheen.

yes, i think it's likely they never meet. as the finale showed, they went in separate directions, if tyrion and dany were going to meet in books six there'd be no reason to keep them apart after introductions, it's just simplifying the plotline. instead tyrion staying in meereen and dany presumably going to the land

tyrion meeting dany is feeling more like fan service and something that will never happen in the books. their meeting either meant that their paths would meet and they were hastening hte progress, they were charting new territory or they just wanted them to meet before sending them back on their separate ways.

just turn it into a 10 episode season on HBO. and turn the dark tower into an HBO series. there's more than enough material to get 6-8 seasons and GOT has shown it can be done well.

here's a vote for regular coverage!

how could the show go on without SKINNNER!!!!!! or Mr. snurb, or jasper, the show without him would be a paddlin', or stupid sexy flanders? at least lenny's reign of terror will be over and otto is one palindrome we won't be hearing from for a while. don't blame me for kang leaving, i voted for kodos.

the books work well as a critique of ennui that comes from idle wealth (how the magicians seem to have almost nothing of interest to do with their powers). Yet it'll probably focus a little too much on the action, although that might help avoid the dreary atmosphere quentin creates everywhere he goes.

was it ever stated she was a democrat? The politics have been vague enough that she could conceivably be on either side (the america works, i mean family whatever bill seems liberal, but could be argued from a moderate family values angle). There's a theory that this is a timeline where perot won the presidency and

did it feel like the writer had a lot of gripes about kids parties and/or vaping and wanted to vent?

anyone else think of the aqua teen episode with the puppets that said "kill" and "die" over and over?

you didn't miss a god damned thing. I had the same disappointment as you, between this and Frankenhole it seems like morel orel may have been a fluke.

it's okay, maybe a little better than mediocre. it's not grating, or best in short doses like axe cop, but there's nothing too special about it either.

i could see that, especially with the eagleton merger, but pawnee is supposed to be the largest city in his district, so it's a very rural district. plus, looking at the 2008 presidential election results for indiana show that the southern part of the state is very conservative. he'd need to win in very conservative

hard to imagine he's a republican unless the nations politics REALLY changed in 3 years.

yeah, but he's a republican in a republican state. although he barely won in 2012, so clearly pence has some issues.

so are Ben's political skills non existent? Does he actually think he can win what is almost certainly a rural, republican leaning district as a Democrat by becoming a Knight of the Queen? We've seen the crazy things that make Pawnee people angry, I'm surprised no one's accused him of bringing in Sharia Law, or