Trevor Patrick

I loved this show, todd was a trainwreck I hadn't seen since the confederacy of dunces. Granted it got a little sluggish in the middle of the second season, especially when they let on more about dave, but still, the show was great. Still, this has "letdiown" written all over it. prove me wrong IFC, prove me wrong.

I'm assuming that the magic smart mushroom was made up by stan, otherwise dipper should have used that to figure out the laptop password.

anyone else think that varick may be making a ploy for kuvira's new earth kingdom? He waits for her to set it back together and he finds a way to take over?

if Kuvira is the villain and she almost certainly is, I hope they abandon the pretense soon, because Avatar is not very good at hiding the villain. Unaloq was clearly the villain, kuvira is clearly the villain, and tarloq was suspicious. The only one who was really well hidden was varick, but his plan was silly and

The Middle

when he meant writing for the kids, did he mean junior and Zoey or the youngest ones? If he did, then while the writing may have been okay, they felt pretty superfluous. frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they get Chuck Cunninghammed if there's a season 2 or 3.

exactly. Plus in the pilot they had andre focus on the issues soooooo much and in such a bizarre way (stop referring to your classmate by her characteristics, she's the only other black girl and you call her that. paraphrasing) that if it were an issue a week format it would become a bit overbearing. We have to

congrats to agricultural secretary tom vilsack who was parodied (kinda?) in this episode. probably the first ag sec anyone has ever cared about enough to mock.

while it had some rough edges, it was interesting. There were some good moments and I think the best choice they made was when his wife called him on his emphasis on labels. up until then it seemed like he was the avatar of the show's intended message and the point was "you're either a label or white and you're not

they had some… interesting references in the game, with all the squids, but they didn't reference the genre as well as they could have. it felt more like a broad stereotype than ribbing informed through love as it was with fight fighters.

it is a bit, but it's not shown on TV as much, at least not for white people. maybe my examples stand out more in my mind and aren't representative, but it still seems like it comes up on tv a lot more with nonwhite characters than white. just curious at why that is and everything.

i've been rewatching the second half of lost and it's sickeningly apparent how hard this show is trying to copy several key elements. i mean just replace dome with island and there you go. not to mention the weak science vs. faith parallels, Barbie's father's company as a dimestore dharma initiative and barbie's dad

other weird stuff has existed outside gravity falls. The Boyz clones were made somewhere else and just brought to GF, Bill probably wasn't born/created, whatever there (although he could be). mermando's from the ocean and unless the fight fighters game was made in gravity falls, it also came from somewhere else,

there's a way to tell which is which. Pizza steve is identified by the cheese on the bottom looks like testicles.

he seemed to be a loved one to soos and maybe she did love him, but just realized he wasn't a good person. love is complicated.

it felt like they weren't confident in Soos' ability to hold an episode, which is why wendy and stan had so much more time tonight. it was like when SNL has a weak host and the cast carries the weight. that being said, I enjoyed the ensemble feel of the episode and it shows that soos won't take over the show the way

Giffany as a stalker girlfriend was one dimensional and a sexist stereotype. worse still, this show has shown that it knows better, yet went with the easy villainy instead of a more complex motivation or even real commentary on soos' attempts to avoid real experiences in favor of simulated ones. There was

also, there's a new halloween episode in two weeks. it'll be weird to see how they explain that one.

jokes about LOVED ONES in hell. and yes it is a great time to be alive.

this has to be the 2nd or 3rd most she ever spoken in an episode.