Trevor Patrick

they go t away with a LOT of "oh god!" references.

a few thoughts.

his name was barry

a hole in the wall, where the men can see it all.

Sharknado 3: Still?
Sharknado 4: you don't talk about sharknado.
sharknado 5: There and Back again.
Sharknado 6; this time's the last one. probably.

moral of the story: no one can replace Phil Hartman.

so many conflicting thoughts! happy for the new season of course, but
jeeze nickelodeon, at least pretend you're not trying to dump the
episodes! or put them all up at once if this is basically just an
episode binge. give us time to digest season 3 and miss korra or at
least put all of the episodes up at once.

don't forget about angry parents, their whining did a number on zim too.

this isn't about GF, but i figured the fanbases were similar enough to mention it here so that AV club would notice and put up an article.

i think he only has powers when summoned or if he enters people's mind. in each case where he spoke with dipper, without being Bipper, dipper had been extremely tired and could have nodded off. when dipper's asleep it was probably the mindscape and bill had the same powers in did in dreamscaperers. when not in the

why would democrats ban a lefty new york jew show that hates republicans and is so far in the tank for obama that it blows him when he's in town (yes the figurative idea of the show somehow engages in fellatio with obama)?

yeah but jenny-o is pretty bad turkey

same here. he also looked like ones of the boyz clones, only younger.

i could see that with the electron carpet, especially since the glasses some people think belong to stan's brother were in that room. Although there'd have to be someone with the mind of a goat in a body. unless there was another way of taking over the goat we haven't seen.

i heard about the leaked image, but have tried to avoid it and any discussion of it, because this is a show i really don't want spoilers for (other than the ciphers and everything).

it's okay, the schedule is so odd with this show and it changes a lot, so who knows?

yes, it was a reference to how toshi would only speak in japanese, usually stuff he didn't want other people to know. half of candy's dialogue was in Korean (i think).

they did, yes. it would have been better if they hadn't, but oh well.

also, that "read?" poster was amazing. it was like something out of rick and morty.

that's my primary theory too, but again little things on this show can be very valuable.