Trevor Mobbs

He's from New Zealand, by the way.

Okay, so I'm a bit behind at this point, but… the first 2 episodes both feel like they are relying a lot on our nostalgia for the show.

Such a great show. And yes, the fact that they can throw in a UFO hovering over a motel car park AND IT FITS is all the proof you need that it's been put together extremely well.

I liked "Powerful", but only when it was done as a duet and had some moments in the verse that weren't shouted at full volume. Apart from that the review is pretty similar to my own feelings. Really, I'm getting to the point in this show where I'm hanging on for the musical moments and nothing else, and even then it's

Yeah, the show is crazy and convoluted and sometimes a bit ludicrous, but it is most definitely worth it for things like the sight of Viola Davis desperately begging to be shot.

I did like this a lot, and the LAST part was absolutely amazing. But I'm honestly a little surprised that so many people are declaring this one of the greatest episodes. Personally, I don't yet think it's even the best episode of the season (although I'll have to wait until the whole story is finished for an overall

The first time you see the picture, he's already been there 7000 years.

Capaldi's delivery of that speech was electrifying.

Great stuff. The perfect amount of Veronica.

Great script, great performance. Maisie Williams is more than welcome to come back and make good on some of those promises/threats to the Doctor.

It is right up there with the best I've ever seen.

Absolutely perfect. A perfect, murderous dream.

Oh God, the feeding-to-the-dogs scene was the one thing in this season I truly couldn't bear watching. I hid behind my fingers.

There's precedent, but back when it was Tom Baker doing it, it was still often awkward as hell. It can be done well, as the opening of "Listen" showed, but I just don't think this example was a good one.

Well, the good of this story was the design and the scares. So I basically liked it.

Well, THAT was creepy as hell.

I'm not sure that everything completely worked, but honestly, this show can get away with a heck of a lot right now just because the acting talent is phenomenal. Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez are all so very watchable, and for this story we can add Julian Bleach as Davros. The best bit of Part 1 was

I just as watched this again. And it was just as great as the first time. Truly a beautiful, haunting episode.

Sherlock relapsing is an interesting idea. That Oscar would be around in some way when it happened makes sense.

Yeah, pretty much agree with this review. The show has always partly been based on making crimes a bit surprising and elaborate, but it seems the writers are now making the mistake of thinking that IS the show, and that the crimes have to become more and more elaborate. It's almost as if they think that this is