Maybe your buddies over at Gizmodo know something?
Maybe your buddies over at Gizmodo know something?
Oh...I guess I should have picked the expensive Malibu with the V8?
I’ll play. Trying to stay away from all the awesome TT footage, so I’ll post 3 of my favorite controllers of the 500 era. When traction control was the left hand.
is... is this post an admission of insurance fraud?
Freddy, we’re gonna have one of those meetings later where I talk and you listen.
Maybe we should have Ben back here more often... what do you guys think about that?
You fuckers killed Sega.
Steve Holt!
ok these right here. LeMons Domination! buy the fleet!
69 counts of indecent exposure? Nice.
Are you asking if it’s ugly as hell and always will be?
Just sleep for four to five hours like your father, wake up tired and miserable, load up on coffee and get your ass to work. No one cares.
The Pope only shoots dice.
Yea, but aren’t these fiat engines? I mean the numbers look good, but they’re not going to have the mazda reliability.
This would have been a nice bit of info to include in the post.
Conditional Access - basically a “dongle” card that responds to a security challenge with an appropriate response. Lots of different systems in place (Satellite and Cable Boxes use modern versions of these), but the basic idea is that it can respond with an appropriate pseudo-random code value, or even a set of…