
Comes in black, right? To make an all-black iPhone?


Looks like there's a lot of "rogue engineers" at Google these days.

@ortizlgnd4: I don't care about the glowing thing on the chest (though I agree an Iron Man motorcycle helmet NEEDS to be made).

@ortizlgnd4: Not awesome in a macho biker way, but awesome in that give-everyone-a-laugh way.

If I were fit (big if there), and had need of a casual jacket (not in Florida), and I were single (and had no intentions of changing that), I would wear this.

Wait, so disgusting people go to the movies too?

Woooooow . . . . 1978 . . . belts optional, awesomeness a must.

@triggerx: Don't forget the brightly colored T-shirt (often with a climate-contradicting long sleeve T sticking out from behind it). You can thank Apple for that.

I had an iPod clock radio. Trouble was, my wife couldn't get the hang of how it worked (tough to set the alarm correctly without glasses), so we never used it. Now it's in the kitchen so she can listen to Jason Mraz and John Mayer while she cooks.

@strays2k: A bird covered in BP's Special Nawlins Sauce.

Wait, the phone shell was empty? Maybe it's falling and impact characteristics were altered by the fact that the glass had nothing behind it. I imagine the back of the phone would be fairly stuffed with components and probably wouldn't shatter as easily. Also, was there a Retina Display behind that front glass?

Anytime I see some inane iPad comment on here like "future of computing", even used in a joking way, I check the author of the post.

@AreWeThereYeti: You got the math right. They just released a modal-centric version of iOS, so it won't be until 2011 (or beyond, cause God knows they gotta get it "just right") before they release anything with a non-modal notification system. The iPhone was released in 2007, so that's at least 4 years. But I'm

It's crap like this that made me switch to Android, and the fact that Apple can't seem to push needed updates out the door in less than 4 years is exactly why I won't go back. Even though the new iPhone looks really sexy.