
This is perfect. My wallpaper was a 590GTO on track. Now it is one covered in snow, just like everywhere else.

This article seems severely lacking in try. Near the end of the article I wasn't even sure if you had been to Vegas or if you just turned your nine year old son loose on Google. Before anyone jumps me (I know you will), just the grammar itself is terrible, put in a little bit of effort, or at least listen to Word

@TheCrudMan: Seriously, quit giving a fuck about your stars.

Please make the fucking account delete available as soon as possible. It is unacceptable that security was so lax in the first place, and that this feature was never in place. Clearly the lack of an account delete feature was to ensure the number registered was constantly growing. I am very much so looking forward

@jodark: I'll build an island. Want to come?

something about windowless planes really creeps me out. whats going on in there...

I need to get the f*ck out of here before it is illegal to leave.

Anyone else get excited at 1:16 when he didn't take the shortcut and you knew he was doing Mugello full course. DAMN YOU FORZA!

So I'm assuming they service more then just cars there?

@TimTim: I believe he stopped there because he was making it look like a hand giving the finger.

Am I the only one that finds it as a bit uglier update to the original?

@Blitzschnell: What have they ever said to make people expect that to change. The civics and Skylines are just part of the GT series, always has been that way, always will be.

@ThnderbltDoherty: You can't honestly be surprised by the amount of Civics can you?

@Jebro: As they should be. It touches on a market that NASCAR hasn't been able to reach, not even a little bit.

@lilwillie: Old or not, he is still one of the coolest people on the planet right now.

@CJinSD: While I mostly agree with your post, the most talented drivers are overseas doing this Formula Uno thing.

@∞Gïmmï∞Mørgäikkøŋëŋ∞: Glad someone said it... comparing someone who never even got a win in F1 to Senna is borderline insanity... scratch that, it is insanity. Either way I guess it is a nice sob story.

@snap_understeer_ftw: Kind of annoying isn't it? Maybe they should have decided to make an article out of it in the first place rather then just post a "cool picture" that was then explained/researched by commentators only to show up as a real post a week later.