
I was making an educated guess as to why someone thought homophobia played a part. I’m not sure it did.

It’s instances like this and Penn State that make me wish White Bear Justice Park was real.

Starred because of how sadly fucking right you are.

I agree, but does he really have to live like a refugee?

And that the motherfucker was STILL WORKING FOR THE SCHOOL, probably.

the four people named in this story — Kathie Klages, Kelli Bert, Destiny Teachnor-Hauk, and Lou Anna Simon — are all women themselves.

I also hope they get the same calls from their fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sons.

Not far enough for me. She needs to be facing criminal charges.

If it didn’t happen to Penn State, it’ll never happen to anyone.

I agree, give them 2 years to think it over. I think that policewoman wants an excuse to tase him a few times.

MSU shouldn’t be allowed to have an athletic department anymore. If you fail to maintain a safe environment for your students for more than two decades, you lose the right to participate in college sports.

Comparing Pierce to one of the biggest assholes on the planet does not prove your point.

Paul Pierce sucks and both he and Doc Rivers were about to get ran out of town until Ray Allen and KG came and saved their asses. If it weren’t for KG, Paul Pierce would have been forgotten already or, if he was remembered, as one an okay play that wasn’t good enough to do shit in the playoffs.

It would have been literally one minute. Any take on this subject that is not “pierce is petty as hell and should stop being an asshole” is objectively wrong.

You get one chance in your life to have your jersey retired, and you only get that if you’ve been an incredibly important part of an NBA franchise’s history. You’ll live, on average, 28,740 days, and ONE of those days will be the day where you get to sit back and be like “I worked my ass off for fifteen years and I’m

The problem isn’t that he’s Petty, it’s that he Won’t Back Down.

Now playing

Fuck Paul Pierce forever and ever and ever and ever.

Oh we’ve already lost.


I just read that out loud without any context and my wife asked if I was having a stroke.