
Because, wait for it, there are multiple countries in the world and they don’t all have the same requirements.

You’re no more “stuck” there because your passport expired than you are if it gets lost/stolen and you have to go to the consulate or embassy and get a new one. So, really not stuck at all. And anywhere from 3-6 months is excessive. Like, I could reasonably see two weeks, maybe a month. But you’re telling me that

Why isn’t that built into the system though. If literally everywhere requires a certain period of time, they could just print both dates in the passport, or make the expiration date the time of arrival, not departure. It’s so contrary to how every other expiration date works.

Because the country that you are visiting wants to be sure that you will be able to leave by the time you have to leave. They don’t want you “stuck” there because your passport is expired.

Define “common knowledge”...I’ve traveled quite a bit between the US and Europe since i was a kid and didn’t even know this rule existed until recently, and only because of stories like this.

Nashville having both trophies because the Titans have been lousy all year and there’s almost no chance that they get past the Divisional Round.

Actually, I think those 6 or 8 teams should play on an enormous field, not unlike the coliseum in Ragnarok, at the same time.

To indicate how little I think or care about the Patriots, I didn’t even realize they were missing from the list until I got to the end of #11 and went “Uh, Drew, aren’t there - like - 12 teams in the playoffs?”

I will go into a Lewis Black diatribe for you:

What is the craziest scenario:

He said on twitter back in September that he was *this* close to not writing them a WYTS this season out of spite.

I don’t know why it cracks me up so much that Magary didn’t even include Pats to that list. I was just reading it along, wondering what the up and down on New England was going to be and then became puzzled as the games listing started. Not exactly my proudest moment, but now makes me chuckle.


“Nine games simultaneously occupied the late slot on Red Zone Channel... the more games you play at the same time, the less flawed the games appears to be.”

Patricia goes to Detroit, they they retain Jim Bob Cooter and we spend the entire season following the adventures of “Rocket Man and the Cooter”.

And I’ll stick with my Taco Bell workout.

Sage Northcutt is closing out 2017 with a bang.

Remember folks, if you rearrange the letters in Sage Northcutt’s name you get “A Cutter’s Thong.”

Yeah, I do a lot of kettle chip work myself. Lot‘s of bicep and jaw muscle toning.

Thanks, but I’ll stick with my kettle corn workout.