
Will probably get fired for attempting to intervene in a dangerous situation.

Stainless is also very heavy. Steel is ~3x the density of aluminum. When weight is a huge factor when attempting to break through into orbit, will the reduced cost offset the reduced capacity?

The SPLC is a joke. No one takes it seriously.

And who elected SPLC to decide who is a hate group? Given that lots of people think SPLC itself is a hate group, again who the hell cares who the SPLC designates as a hate group?

Here’s a novel concept for modern America: How about we accept that someone who does something nice at one point might have also done something bad at a different point. One act doesn’t void the other but it does create a more nuanced narrative.  

This story is bigger in Central Iowa today than the impeachment story. I’m not even fucking kidding.

“The CEO’s resignation comes in the wake of at least nine deaths from vaping related illness across the U.S. in recent months, none of which have been linked directly to Juul”

Nicorette is also a nicotine product, and I seem to recall their ads for a while.

So after decades of defending itself without carriers, how did this happen? The one-word answer:

When I see a statistic like, “318 mass shootings in 260 days” I really have to question what criteria makes an incident qualify as a mass shooting.  

If “its the guns” and we need “stronger gun laws”, why doesn’t Vermont have lots of mass shootings? they have VERY lax laws.
why arent there mass shootings at gun ranges where the concentration of assault weapons is high as hell??

The problem is socially failing white males aged 15-30. If white people better prepared

There is absolutely zero connection between gun ownership per cap and crime. It’s a social issue, the connection between gun violence and population is economy. The poorer a population becomes, the higher risk of gun violence. You can go to north dakota and you’re as likely to be murdered as you are in Sweden, however

More fear mongering clickbait as usual. Mass shootings kill a trivial number of people. Like 16 times more people die from choking on food alone. And of all the other murders done with guns, hardly any are done by legal gun owners and it’s stupid to think that most, much less all of those murders wouldn’t have

“Assualt" weapons are just regular ass rifles with extra, mostly cosmetic modifications. 

Neither of those numbers are remotely proportionate with the number of gun deaths—a figure which tracks most closely with (and now might be a good time to feign shock if you’ve looked at the news at any point since Columbine) the number of guns people own in the U.S.

“In 1994, when the ban was enacted, there were 17,527 firearm homicides in the United States. In 2004, when the ban expired, there were 11,624" I know causation isn’t correlation but still.

Ammunition is arms.

I love it. Propaganda for people who can’t do math. Did you know there is an excellent correlation between murders per square mile and churches per square mile? So obviously we can reduce the number of murders by shutting down churches. Right?

Mass shootings killed around 300 people last year. Tragedies to be sure, but statistically very rare. You’re more likely to get hit by lightning, literally. You’re much more likely to be killed by a drunk driver.

I guess the connection here is the social media/tech angle.. OK, so since this is Gizmodo, and it’s supposed to be science and technology, I’m going to take you to task on making a causation based on two data points. Two data points do not make statistics, they make a graph. You can use this correlation as a reason to