
My buddies and I rode in on 70s Jap bikes (and then broke down) in a tiny town in Kansas in 2008 with NY plates. First local we met was this grizzled tattooed up guy who drove by in an old Dakota, then threw it in reverse (we were getting a bit antsy not gonna lie), then said “holy shit you boys rode those all the way

We’re an interracial gay couple, and folks in Nebraska and Kansas were beyond hospitable to us when we drove through (same for pretty much anywhere we’ve been in the U.S.).

Sorry, but am I the only one who came here hoping for actual notes on driving across America instead of a crap article on why the author had a panic attack in Nebraska? Pretty sure you could have probably even gotten a series of articles about the trip published here. 

Erik, get well. Talk to someone, preferably a professional.

No wonder you almost had a nervous breakdown. It must have been horrifying to encounter people that aren’t like you.

Dude - seriously, I am worried about you. Get some professional counselling, you need help. Panic attacks from having to go to the bathroom are not normal.

It’s going to be ok, I promise. The people outside the city are not out to get you.

Is this really a thing, or something that coastal liberals tell their kids to scare them at night about the middle of the country?

Pretty sure once you start sending certain ethic groups to “re-education” camps blindfolded where they are subjected to numerous injustices and likely have their organs harvested, while implementing a social credit system that punishes those who step out of line politically, kidnap someone who stands against the

Hilarious you’re calling the Chinese Socialists? Is that a joke? I can’t tell. What do you think that word means?

The show’s progressiveness lies in casting and representation, which DSC has been very good at.

That is the opposite of traditional Star Trek. 

Yeah I agree. The utopian angle of Star Trek of humanity achieving much of Its goals and people constantly trying to better themselves as well as upheld high standard of morals is such a refreshing thing.

I like the show but the problem it’s their season arcs are dystopian adjacent.

It’s an interesting premise. I don’t have faith it will be executed well. Each season of Discovery so far has been an interesting set-up resolved in the dumbest way possible with maximum explosions and cheap conflict.

Now playing

Im a fan of star trek and have been since I used to watch TNG as a kid. Discovery is not star trek its the bastardization of what trek was and stood for.

I think there’s an interesting story to be told there. 900-1000 years is a long time, and though I never saw Andromeda, it sounds like an interesting concept told badly.


This kind of confirms my worst fears about the direction of the show. One consistent thread throughout each series is that no matter our present shortcomings, we aren’t doomed to oblivion; we make it out of our infancy and create a better world.

This shows that dream is doomed to failure. The Federation collapses into