
Clearly your circle of acquaintances is suspect. Considering nearly half of all cell phone owners have iPhones (assuming the US), half of your circle is douches. You might need new friends. Some iPhone owners are actually normal folks who appreciate the value of equipment that will last long enough for the company to

This .gif is so much better than the sum of its already excellent parts.

I admit the idea of “What if Superman turned bad” was an interesting, fresh idea the first time around, but now an old and lazy take.


I guess they're going to sit on it for now?

What it means is this -

I love Mark Hamill , and he does have a proper range , but man! did he just he just play Skeletor like Joker , but with a skull for a face.

It absolutely is.

Enron Field is much better, I agree.

I mean they can, briefly. Very briefly.

A perfect use of this GIF.

LOL. I just stopped by to say I love the use of a still from Tree’s Lounge for the main pic. What an oddball choice. Awesome

AMEN. Any so called American who wants that filth back in the White House piss off. Jan 6 participants are TRAITORS. TRUMP IS A TRAITOR!

I mean, it usually features photos of and messages from Trump. It’s defaced by its very nature.

So do we have a pool going on how long it will take the Texas grid to collapse this winter?

Fucking idiots.

To add to what treq said about infrastructure (which is huge), there’s also the matter of skilled crew. If you’re getting a non-union crew you’re getting green crew. This is going to make your production harder/worse and will probably cost you more in the long run.