
What the heck does 1080p quality mean??? This projector has a resolution of 800x480.  That’s extremely misleading...

What the heck does 1080p quality mean??? This projector has a resolution of 800x480.  That’s extremely misleading...

This is NOT a 1080p projector.  This is 480p.

This is NOT a 1080p projector.  This is 480p.

She told police she’s been going through some “trials and tribulations”

A poison.. that comes with a great tax break, special breaks at work and school, and big helpings of good ol’ cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

Aw, you guys didn’t even mention how Yelena even tried out Natasha’s pose herself while on mission?! that was one of the funniest parts!

It’s almost like believing in Jesus, buying more guns, and driving an even bigger pickup, while voting for leaders who actively make laws against social justice, health, science, conservation, and environmental protection isn’t having the positive results I hoped for!

TBH I had more I was going to say in response, but I got that far into my comment and realized that commenter doesn’t have an actual opinion beyond the hackneyed propaganda they’re gushing out in the same way it went in.

Yeah, but pointing this out just sees to goal posts moved back to “crony capitalism isn’t real capitailsm!”

Sir, this is a Wendy’s


it’s described as “a more mature take on the universe created by George Lucas.”

Right... because it’s the people who were just minding their own business enjoying something harmless and NOT going out of their way to smugly assert their artistic superiority over others... yeah, those are the ones who need to grow up here. Definitely them. Not anyone else.

Too bad you can’t mortgage your childhood at the same time you’re paying rent to live in your parents’ basement.

If Fox Weather told me the sky was blue, I’d literally go and check to make sure. I would never trust them to tell me the truth of anything.

You are severely misinformed about either political system. Especially for ISPs- try living in Canada and tell me that “cApItAlIsM gIvEs yOu cHoIcEs”.

You need to put a warning sign on takes that hot. I almost burned my hand.

Settle down, Stephen Dorff.

Shoot, they had people who couldn’t even insert a magazine jumping into a war.  They didn’t think any shit out.