
Here’s your star ...

Yo, shitheel, tell that to the family in the SUV mistaken for a motorcycle.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

Timbs or Doc Martens?

Comply or die is exactly the problem. Now fuck off.

Man, what happened to you? I’ve seen you around for years and don’t remember you being quite this.. unhinged? You got that brain eating amoeba or something?

Go to Brietbart and whine there like a bitch. YAAAWN!

and make the Americans pay for it!

Double click on sadness. 

If Trump cared about American national security he’d immediately resign.

This man had no idea what TikTok was until the teens using it ruined his Tulsa rally. This is petty revenge, plain and simple. It has nothing to do with national security. 

I hope so. Slideshow is a stupid idea that demands far too many clicks and pages than needed. Scrolling list will always be better.

Did Gizmodo get rid of slideshows? Because I totally clicked on this just to complain about slideshows.

Why would anyone want a Snyder cut of Justice league? Wasn’t the theatrical release bad enough?! Why would you want to make it worse?!

You do know that Roger Stone can be tried for crimes other than the seven for which he was convicted, yes?

The best description I’ve seen:

+1 guillotine