
I don’t get what they are so upset about. NASCAR is still going to use one of the confederate flags to signal the last lap of the race, just like they have always done...

The US always honors their deals*!

Oh, are we honoring hundred year old government agreements with the people?!

Now playing

Defunding the police has nothing to do with getting rid of the police, it is about redirecting funding and making the police more accessible. It has already been done successfully in the US:

I’m not saying that all lives don’t matter. They do. But in order for this to be true, Black lives need to be treated equally with others, which they are currently not.

It’s a fair point, but I can also see ALM being used completely innocently, as if to say “remember, too, that we should all value every life.”

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

He’s looking at that bible like he’s wondering how to get the candy out.

No. The RV market is quite solid right now. Factories were shutdown or shifted production to government contracts, while demand went up. I’ve been reading comments that currently dealers are telling people, “The price is the price.” The used RV rental market can be a great place to buy a RV. All of the early issues

This guy gets it.

So wait a year for the demand for RV rentals to return to normal as hotels reopen, and get a bargain on an ex-rental RV as the rental firms find themselves owning a surplus?

RV rentals are spiking, in fact I think the new market for RVs may actually get more competitive as companies look to fill rental demand.

I could be completely off base here, but I wonder if RV rentals might be up this summer due to hotels being closed/limited, and with some people seeing this as a safer alternative. Yes, there is also the economic factor, but job losses thus far have been heavily biased towards those in lower income professions who

I’m not sure you’ll see a big price dip on RVs for sale, but definitely keep us posted if you notice any good deals. Our travel writer, Imani, was just mentioning today that RV rentals are super popular right now because it’s transport and housing all in one and makes isolation a snap!

I look at it this way. Biden is a typical politician in America. He can be removed.

Trump on the other hand is a lawless radical with racism, corruption, cruelty and depravity that’s being enabled by a corrupt racist GOP. Trump won’t leave.

I’d vote for a skeleton before Trump.

Yes, yes, Obama was relentlessly surface level. When GDP was in decline and the unemployment rate was over 10%, turning the economy around and bringing unemployment under 5% was surface level stuff.

What’s important right now is to remember that there’s some fine people, some really good people, on both sides, here. I mean, I personally spoke to Ponchus Pilot, and he says that he didn’t have a thing to do with it. So in the end, are you going to listen to this really very unbalanced book or are you going to go

He’s an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice…

He’s a savior just because he got crucified for our sins? I like people who weren’t crucified. OK? I hate to tell you. Perhaps he’s a savior, but he said some very bad things about a lot of good people who steal from the poor and hate their neighbors. So I dunno. I lot of people are saying he wasn’t that great.