
Reminds me of this:

I don’t like the fatmax anymore. Too bulky. The number of times I need to extend my tape an additional 2 ft over my standard Stanley is not worth the extra weight and bulk I have to carry 12 hrs per day. Of course I get why people like them, just after 30 years of wearing a tool belt, I’ve decided that I need my

As a person who wears a tape measure on my tool belt 12hrs per day, 5 days per week, and someone who has purchased gimmicky crap like this before, I would never spend a dime on this crap.  It will fail long before a cheap Stanley, and will never be useful enough in real life.  

Exactly. Makes you wonder though, why would they install them here in stores where no one uses them as well as where people happen to like them. Sure makes it look like the main reason they do that is because they want to eliminate positions to save costs.  Once they force people to use them by eliminating most of

I’m in Los Angeles. People rarely use them unless the line is huge and they only have a few items. At my local CVS they took out all but one cashier and replaced the rest with self checkout and I have never seen anyone use one there. Even when the line is 6 people deep. Add to that the vitriol I’ve heard from

Not just salary, but benefits and all the other costs an employee entails. As for the few people who I see using them on occasion it is never many and only when the store has gone down to one cashier and the line is so long as to make it the only realistic option for someone with one or two items. Especially since

Not saying it is a conspiracy, just a cost saving measure at the expense of workers while the companies makes record profits. It’s a broken system that needs some fixing. It’s why I don’t support the practice and hopefully they go unused and as lines get longer when they take away cashiers, they will reverse

Yeah, never gonna use it.  Bad for workers, bad for the economy.  Self checkout devalues cashiers.  Once they take away those kinds of jobs, what’s next?  

But the economics of it are that the more you support cashier-less checkout, the less they pay the people who do those jobs. With the more automation happening the less people they will need to employ and without a universal basic income and a living minimum wage, the bigger the divide between the classes will get.

Like I said previously… you do you. People have their own situations and I’m not here to judge you for saving money where you have to.  But, I’m not about to use any of that crap when it puts people out of work and in the process supports a company that treats its remaining workers like crap. Costco is a better

Sure, I get that. But I can’t stand when they eliminate someone’s job with automation… especially after they were paying them minimum wage anyway. I can’t stand the lines at Costco m, but I would rather pay a little more for delivery which actually employs more people instead of less, and takes less of my time.

I get it.  Not judging, just expressing how I feel about that company.  But thanks for clarifying.   Have a wonderful day and thanks for having a decent non-toxic conversation on the internet!  So rare these days.

I get it.  But I can’t support the company and it’s practices.  I would rather pay a little more at the grocery store or just go without. If they were right next door to me I would still go somewhere else or order over the internet.

So what do they pay you to do the work for them?  That’s like the self checkout at my grocery store.  I never use it.  I don’t want to put people out of work.

Man, you office type people who can work from home got it easy.  My entire industry shut down for 6months in 2020 and now I work 12hrs per day with a mask and get nasal swabbed 3-4 times per week.  Can’t exactly do my job over zoom.  Still, I do enjoy my work. 

Never assumed you would be telling me how to spend my money or time. Everyone’s circumstances are different. I work 60hrs per week and even though the Costco is only a few miles from my apartment, it would take me at least a couple hours to brave traffic and the lines at my local store. 2 hrs of my time at my

Absolutely money we’ll spent to not have to deal with the crowds at my local Costco.  I work 12hrs per day and can’t get to Costco on the weekdays.  Weekends are a nightmare.  So totally worth the tiny extra cost for me.  But wouldn’t go to Walmart or Sam’s if they were empty and right next door.  Their business

Silver Lake is neither exclusive nor high end. It’s a nice neighborhood, sure, but maybe mid-range for LA.

So Costco?  They have a delivery service now.  I don’t even go there anymore.  I wouldn't shop at Sam's club just due to how they treat their employees. I would drive the 30 min if I had too just to never give Walmart my money.