
Wasn’t Curb mostly improvised?

The “right” episode of It’s Always Sunny does exist, but you literally have to watch through 13 seasons to get there.

Sure, but the avenging didn’t happen until the final episode of Breaking Bad. Look where Walter White was at the end of “Ozymandias” (the third last episode i.e. equivalent of where we’re at with BCS). Jimmy still has time to get his own MacGyver stunt equivalent.

Keeping with The Matrix parallels, I half expected an Agent Smith “can’t stand the stink of humans” rant from Charlotte.

Yep. You could basically replace the words “Fallout 76" with “Anthem” and “Bethesda” with "Bioware”. 

Sasko should be proud - quest design was never the issue with Cyberpunk. IMo the quests (main, side and gig) are every bit as well written and compelling as The Witcher 3. 

You can use GeForce Now as a temporary solution

Odyssey’s voice acting has the same issue that most games (and films) set in a “foreign” land do - a bunch of native English speakers attempting foreign accents with wildly varying degrees of success. I get that the developers are going for an immersive feel but it just comes off as distracting at best and insulting