
“We not doin crime for the sake of doin crime. We doin crime because we ain’t doin fine. 1 out of 3 of us is locked up doin time. You know what that kind of shit can do to a nigga mind?”

“ I arrived on the day Fred Hampton died, ugh, real niggas just multiply. And they said by 21 i was supposed to die. So I’m out here celebrating my post demise. If you put crabs in a barrel to ensure your survival you gone end pulling down niggas that look just like you. “

His message in the past 5-10 years has been more like “I fought through the system designed to destroy us and it was hard as fuck but I did it and so can you” but it’s ok if you think he’s still putting out Big Pimpin’.

Oh, I implied the cops were racist whites, did I?

He didn’t murder anyone. He was making a sacrifice to God.

The fact that racial justice and a more fair criminal justice system aren’t considered “good, non-partisan causes that ‘everyone can get behind’” is exactly why people should be pressing on the issue.

people regularly watch movies and tv shows with social messages.

Or the military propaganda at every game. That’s definitely not hurting the escapism.

I guess you never noticed all the pink in October while you were escaping.

“Let’s face it, while Lebron is a fantastic player, I’d argue the GOAT, he has massively underachieved in his Cleveland portion of his career.”

We’ve found Dan Gilbert’s Kinja account.

This trade, this whole offseason really, is Dan Gilbert subtly telling Lebron to go fuck himself, and it’s about time. Gilbert isn’t going to let Lebron fuck over the franchise any longer with his horrific shortsightedness in regards to roster management.

It’s pretty impressive how well he is transitioning into an outspoken leader in the community. Ali really struggled with it and finally came to a head with the draft. Jordan and Tiger both lamed out, Barkley is the living embodiment of survival bias, Kobe only cares about Kobe, and Shaq is just a little too close to

i’m pretty confident that in a few more years Carson won’t remember his own name.

More raisist than sexist but whatever.

lists are stupid period. i don’t know how to compare russell or kareem to lebron, but considering that he would run circles around them athletically, yes i do think he’s better than them. magic is widely considered to be the most apt comparison, and lebron is bigger and faster than him.. so yeah. kobe was great, but

Irving’s handle is probably better than anyone else in the NBA...

i hear the grudge originates with a friendly at-work back-and-forth that got outta hand and ended in a dropped mike.

Mike, obviously.

a lot of Golden State’s mystique from last season has simply evaporated this year. Curry’s 3 isn’t falling the same way, Draymond’s having a lot more off-games, and having Durant feels a little mercenary (this is by no means a criticism of his move; basketball is a business). i think they certainly match up well, but