
May be quibbling here, but I think he’s trying to distance himself from charges of political bias. I get why he might want to stretch a comparison just a bit to make it work, shrug.

Good thing you’re around to explain which politicians he’s allowed to think don’t care about black people and which ones do

Art was subjective. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t make it bad music.

Uh nah especially with his old stuff. You may hate him but college dropout and late registration were two of the best rap albums made. I haven't been a big fan of his in a while but go listen to the old stuff again. There were hints of his ego but also hints of genius

“Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”

this is true

Unless you Twitter DM this to me I am not going to give a proper reply.

I see your point.

I completely agree with your approach but your final comment about not remembering an unsatisfying encounter makes me think you must not be a comcast customer.

I vote Projectile Length

Obviously the Penny Plunderer is the most interesting member of the Rogues’ Gallery. I mean, he almost crushed Batman under a penny!

While I can see there being more motivation, and I can understand the standard of being able to sympathize with a villain as being important. That said, they aren’t necessary, the Xenomorph in Alien is a great villain. But there is no subtle plot mechanics that are needed to make it so. Ledgers joker tapped into my

As opposed to what? A villain with some sort of silly contrived grudge? Or are you more interested in villains with ambition?

So... What you’re saying is, don’t worry about the jacked price, don’t question the industry and pay the price?

Considering they’ve been raising their prices since 2008 and obamacare was signed in 2010 and wasn’t completed until 2015......

Goats will eat almost anything

This is the next generation of great Kinja.

Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their

We measure the weight and severity of alleged rape against the damage it would do the accused’s life and achievements to acknowledge, but we never even consider what life and what achievements it robbed of the victim. Never.