May be quibbling here, but I think he’s trying to distance himself from charges of political bias. I get why he might want to stretch a comparison just a bit to make it work, shrug.
May be quibbling here, but I think he’s trying to distance himself from charges of political bias. I get why he might want to stretch a comparison just a bit to make it work, shrug.
Good thing you’re around to explain which politicians he’s allowed to think don’t care about black people and which ones do
“Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”
Goats will eat almost anything
This is the next generation of great Kinja.
It might be worth noting that AfroStateOfMind is an officer at the Nate Parker Foundation:…
Sure, but Black people sadly still cape for rapists -especially if they’re athletes or famous in some other way. Remember MJ and Bill Cosby? Remember R Kelly? Cleaver?
I am very conflicted about the whole thing. I am still dragging my husband to see the movie. I have sat through too many movies about enslaved black people and white saviors not to support this. A white person would never have made this.
Why can’t it be both? I’m sure Penn State treated them worse than they treat white athletes because they’re Black. I’m also sure they raped her. The coverage around this movie will also likely be worse than it would be for the innumerable white rapists with Oscar-worthy movies because they’re Black. I’m still sure…
Exactly. I’m also that age, and it was widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, that *was* consent. (Though even then, I think a lot of us would have said bringing his friends in crossed the line to rape.)
Honestly, I don’t know. I struggle hard with things like this and I don’t have an answer. Gandhi was a shithole wife abuser. MLK Jr. cheated on his wife multiple times. Jefferson raped slaves and talked about how great the institution was for making money. So-called “great men” cannot keep their fucking dicks in their…
It’s hard to know how to feel about this one. I was in college at the same time as Parker and though this is in no way an excuse, how people thought about consent was not as evolved at that time. Anecdotally, about half of my female friends (myself included) had sexual experiences where we were too intoxicated to give…
We measure the weight and severity of alleged rape against the damage it would do the accused’s life and achievements to acknowledge, but we never even consider what life and what achievements it robbed of the victim. Never.
Fully aware. It was joke.
I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.
+1 glass of water when you have a sec.
That’s a pro tip right there.
I totally understand where the Thunder are coming from on this one. The longer they keep me waiting, the less money I give waiters.
I want to grab Taylor by the shoulders and MAKE HER STAND STRAIGHT.