
I once wrote an entire essay here about the amount of training a cop is given with a gun, and while it varies from state to state in Alabama, the basic training requirements include 47 hours of firearms training broken down into different sections, now that may seem like a lot but for comparison in Alabama there are

What just floors me- and it shouldn’t, I should be used to it, but it does, is that there are two instant reactions I see from a certain group of people whenever these tragedies happen:

Damn that’s cold-blooded. Just like Bosh.

I know there’s a bloodclot joke in there somewhere but I just can’t seem to get it to flow smoothly

If young metro don't pay you I'm gone shoot em

+1 with a weak pulse

I guess this means that Bosh is only a heartbeat away from leaving the Heat too.

Is it really necessary to “Sis” her like that?

Liam should have.

ohhhh . . . but nobody fucking cares.

You know wrong.

Really bad time for a tangent. A black man was just murdered by the police.

Jesus, man, spoiler alert....

It’s not that Simmons was correct, it’s the general tone of the entire article. He didn’t go into why he thought Love was a better player than Mayo by breaking down each players strengths and weaknesses other than the fact that Love throws into outlet passes because he studies the game while calling out Mayo for

This term was the worst thing to come from American Pie. It’s been 17 years, let it go.

I disagree. I honestly do not think that Erdely should ever be able to get work as a journalist again. She wanted to write a sensationalist article and she did, without doing her due diligence, and in doing so I genuinely think that she set back the national discourse about campus sexual assault.

You're a fucking whiny dipshit now aren't you?

Number one, I’m calm. Just annoyed.