
Jesus, man, spoiler alert....

It’s not that Simmons was correct, it’s the general tone of the entire article. He didn’t go into why he thought Love was a better player than Mayo by breaking down each players strengths and weaknesses other than the fact that Love throws into outlet passes because he studies the game while calling out Mayo for

This term was the worst thing to come from American Pie. It’s been 17 years, let it go.

I disagree. I honestly do not think that Erdely should ever be able to get work as a journalist again. She wanted to write a sensationalist article and she did, without doing her due diligence, and in doing so I genuinely think that she set back the national discourse about campus sexual assault.

Whole wheat pasta is the fucking worst.

This is how I behaved when I met Rosario Dawson. I was 36. Good bye.

Number one, I’m calm. Just annoyed.

As you can see from my avatar, I stan for Sebastian Stan. And barring him doing something gross I don’t see that changing anytime soon!

she’s at the top of my husbands celebrity list. I don’t get it, she’s pretty but she just seems so vanilla to me.

Ageist bullshit. This 60-year old says Fuck You. Do you kids still say Fuck You?

I’ve watched this clip over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

How else you gonna break through the Face Time Continuum?

“Run through a mutha fucka face, then you don’t have to worry about them no more.”

I was hesitant on starting a pun thread since most of them stink like anise.

Here come the herby puns, the marjorum of which will be not as good as yours.

A spice joke, how oregano.

RJ ESSAY BOOK — Draft 1 — 6/24/2016

Donald Trump thinks an erotic essay is a Mexican porn star.