
His barber is Paul Pierce?

Forget the shirt—whoever cut Zeke’s hair is a goddamn wizard with the clippers.

There’s a truly harmful belief that the right to say something is the same as the right to have it taken seriously.

You’re assuming she’s “bitter” about white women. I think she’s expressing something different than that.

It sounds like you’re very angry at white women. Did your man leave you for one?

Loco Jones, I’ve been kinda internet-cool with you for a lil’ while, but you know what? I’mma take this pull quote —

Irony: My husband is so very white.

They are CHOOSING to feel irked. Remember that SNL skit? The Day Beyonce Turned Black.

Any term that generalizes, dehumanizes or simply elides your own identity can be insulting. “Girl” or “Sweetheart” can be an endearment or an epithet from someone’s mouth.

She freely admits it is an insult. What she is saying is that it is not a "slur", and for white people to get so utterly offended by a basically harmless word says more about them than about the phrase itself. It's an insult about a specific type of approval for whiteness and white behavior, and they point it out

I’m white. Never heard of the term “Becky” before this weekend. Would not be offended if someone called me a “Becky” b/c I don’t get systematically discriminated against. I am enjoying learning about the word. Also, this situation that you describe? It’s so fucking wrong. I hope more people read it:

We both know white people are unstoppable so no use even trying.

Becky means a basic white woman. It does not mean “white bitch.” Black people don’t call people “cunts” in general, lol.

BITCH! I’m weak!

You are. Poor thing.

Yo, homie. The term “Becky” is from the Sir Mix A Lot video. When I was school aged, it was “white girl” or any generic white girl name, “Ashley” or “Muffie” if she’s higher class. NONE of it meant “white bitch”. Sitchoassdown with that shit. Or go poll your undoubtedly numerous black female friends about the

I just starred like 100 of your comments, which is probably excessive. I’m just really impressed that you can keep your cool while debating semantics with a bunch of entitled (at best!) internet commenters. “It means white cunt.” Jesus Christ.

Someone called it a “slur” and I very, very carefully (with tongue firmly in cheek) conceded that they may find umbrage with a name that erased individuality, didn’t acknowledge a person’s humanity, yada yada....but concluded with my opinion that “Becky” is innocuous, for the most part. Reread my response. I

If I say “keeping up with The Joneses”? Does a black woman come into your head? If we ask “Will it play in Peoria?” do you envision a Chinatown?

And “cunt”?!!! Wowzers.